Friday night – peace at the end of the day

Not much to report today. I had a too-busy day and it frazzles my brain. Diane found me at 8 this morning still in bed with a cell phone glued to my ear, listening to a work call and typing a note at the same time. She laughed at me.. The rest of the day was just like that, back to back meetings, driving, talking on the phone. I can see that it’s so easy to slip into old bad habits of too much to do, too little sleep, to little time to think, to laugh, to create stuff, to just hang out. These are hard lessons I’ve learned from Sam  about the importance of taking life a little slower.. I’m hoping to work on that a little this weekend.. I don’t know if I’m getting the best start at that though…. I have Jolts and Volts science show for a bunch of girl scouts in Bristol tomorrow at 8AM. That should be fun though.
   Mercifully, tonight was as peaceful as the day was hectic. My friend Katsu from grad school came buy with his wife Naomi and there young kids Marie and Ricki. We hadn’t seen Katsu since 1995. Gabe had just been born and Sam was about 3. We spent a few hours catching up, talking about old times. He first met Max when he was 3 months old. When Max walked in it made us both realize how long we’d been friends. We spent a some time showing them all of Sam’s pictures and his room.. I’m still so proud of Sam… I always will be.
    Around 8 we went up to the Townsend’s to help cheer up Matt who broke his leg a week ago.  Some help I was, I fell asleep on the couch !. I did happen to notice that the Townsend’s had a very beautiful and fully functional mitten rack on which to dry my mittens (had I remembered to wear them) thanks to the Wonderful Wild Welding Women or Richmond (see here for that story)
   Speaking of stories, Max and Jessie just came in and told me a really cool Sam electrical story from last night’s State Radio concert.  If you’ve been following Sam’s story for the last few months you might remember that his energy sometimes comes through in playful energy surges: e.g.  lights blinking, electrical malfunctions, etc. Last night someone tossed a Sam Stone up on stage as the band was playing. Chad, the lead singer, picked up the stone, looked at it, smiled and placed it on his amp. Immediately, his guitar feed dropped out. I was in back of the room, all I saw was that the sound guy rushed to the stage and he and Chad fiddled with the amp,. In doing that they knocked off the stone.. Presto.. Back came the guitar.,, Chad then saw the stone on the ground again.. Picked it up and put it back on the amp.. And guess what ? .. No guitar again. At that point, Max, Avery, Carolyn and a few of Sam’s friends figured out what was up and shouted for him to put the stone in his pocket. . As soon as he picked it up off the amp, they were back in business.   Stranger than fiction.. That’s my boy !

Ps. Here’s a picture that Max and Gabe (and Sam) made for my birthday the other day


… and here’s the 5 interlocking  hearts that Gabe, Max and I made for Diane for Valentines day. The boys did all the welding ! (it’s not just girls that can  weld)