Tuesday Night – AoT

Oy… I only have a few hours to sleep before I need to be in my seat and smiling at 7AM..   Sometimes it would be so easy to tell myself. I’ll blog tomorrow… but I have a tradition to maintain here..   I’ll make this short and sweet. Today was uneventful from the sense that I did not ever step outside of the comforting wrap of the hotel today. I cant tell you if the day was hot or cool, dry or humid.. . Inside it was cool, dry and interesting. This meeting is the one each year that draw all the 300+ folks from the IBM academy under one roof. It’s a great opportunity to connect with all my friends that live all over the world. The big thing we’re struggling with now is how to make sure that   the body we belong to is really reaching out to the more than 210 thousand technical folks in my company.. I like thinking about stuff like that.. In fact.. anything that involves people and their path to success really interests me..


One of the great things about this meeting is the opportunity to sit down and talk to friends I  have from across the US.. and in other areas such as the US, Canada  Europe, India, China, Japan. Mexico. Canada, Brazil, etc. One aspect of this is to come face to face with ‘failure’. I know that I have not been doing my best job over the past 10 months…   I may have a good excuse.. but that doesn’t change the fact that many things I was trying to drive at my work.. may not occur once I  take my  in-house sabbatical Nov  1st I’ve been confronted by a large array of work folks today.. that have been asking  ‘where have you been’… ‘why aren’t you doing ,,… ‘x’ “   why are you letting us down ?

I don’t have an answer.. But I do know that I’ve been doing all that I can do given  my current situation. I’m learning to forgive myself for that.. to be easy on myself.. I hope that it works for the rest of you.


I keep  falling asleep.. so I need to stop now…   before I drop my laptop

Gnite all.. gnite Sam




ps.. here are some pictures from the day

Out on 6th street

Bob. me and Al

Nick’s admonition

Akl the fellows  in a meeting

Religious message aside.. I DO !