Thursday night – urge for going

Once again we were all awake around between 3 and 4 AM.. this is definitely the best jetlag I’ve ever had… The one good thing is that it makes it easy to get Gabe to school on time. 7AM no longer seems early… Driving Gabe to school this morning it hit me how tough this time of year is for people.. after fall colors have peaked, after the warmth of summer and before snow. The shortening days and the persistent clouds, mist and drizzle have a way of getting into your soul. Everything’s muted and.. I don’t know.. sad, I guess. We’re all ready for bed by 8PM.  We’re going to have to work hard to keep our spirits up over the next few months. .. I drove hoem today thinking of a Joni Mitchell song that my college friend Alan introduced me to.. it’s called Urge for Going by Joni Mitchell




Urge for Going

By Joni Mitchell


I awoke today and found the frost perched on the town
It hovered in a frozen sky, then it gobbled summer down
When the sun turns traitor cold
And shivering trees are standing in a naked row
I get the urge for going but I never seem to go

I get the urge for going
When the meadow grass is turning brown
Summertime is falling down and winter is closing in

I had me a man in summertime
He had summer-colored skin
And not another girl in town
My darling’s heart could win
But when the leaves fell trembling down
Bully winds did rub their faces in the snow
He got the urge for going And I had to let him go

He got the urge for going
When the meadow grass was turning brown
Summertime was falling down and winter was closing in

The warriors of winter they gave a cold triumphant shout
And all that stays is dying and all that lives is getting out
See the geese in chevron flight flapping and racing on before the snow
They’ve got the urge for going, they’ve got the wings to go

They get the urge for going
When the meadow grass is turning brown
Summertime is falling down and winter is closing in

I’ll ply the fire with kindling and pull the blankets to my chin
And I’ll lock the vagrant winter out and bolt my wandering in
I’d like to call back summertime and have her stay jut another month or so
She’s got the urge for going and I guess she’ll have to go

And she get the urge for going when meadow grass is turning brown
All her empires are falling down
Winter’s closing in


I even found a good recording of it here


Oh man.. I need to sleep… I promise more tomorrow…
Gnite all, gnite Sam !



ps. Just got the wonderful news from my friends Rafe and Laurence  that they’ve just had their second baby this morning !  Congratulations !!!!


Sophie Constance Nedelec Mazzeo

Oct. 25, 2007, 8AM, 7.75lb/3.5kg



Wednesday night – super jetlag

Ugh.. I typed in a complete Blog then Myspace crashed.. so here iI goes again.

I can’t ever remember being so jetlagged. Right now my body is tellign me that it’s 4 in the morning just like at 4AM this morning it was telling me it was 1 PM. I went around like a zombie most of the day.. Max joked that we’re so out of wheck that we’re almost on his timezone now.    It’s more than just the diffences in TimeZones, though.. it’s also a culture zone lag.. Gabe and I were both commenting how wierd it was to be driving to school this morning and being the only car on the road.. now swarms of people, no beeping horns like in India. . I like both places.. they’re just very different.
   One of the other wierd things to get used to is how differnt the ‘how was your trip’ thing goes for me now. in the past I used to carry around a bunch of trip stories in small tasty nuggests to doll out when some one asked abotu the triup. Now , thanks to this blog, someone is likly to start givig me their impression of our trip, what they liked and what they didn’t . For example, I took my car to Road Res-Q in Essex Junction  (a great place to take your car !) today to get a tire fixed. I hadn’t gotten a foot in the door before Phil, a guy who works there started asking me about India. wand the Haloween party  Phil hangs out at talent and was a friend of Sam’s and is a friend of Sumner’s, the Tounsands and those guys. He said he reads this blog everyday (hey Phil) .. It’s such a fun and wierd connection to people..
   Speakign of the Halloween party, It’s this Saturday.. Sam would have wanted us to keep up the tradion.. so please come party in his honor.. We’re having a custom contest  so “come as you aren’t” and when *fabulaus prizes*   (read that last sentance in a cheesy emcee voice for best effect )  In case you missed it here’s the invite

OK.. now I really have to sleep. Goodnight everyone, Goodnight Sam

ps. Rmember at my birthday  last Feburary  when we made liquid nitrogen icecream at my birthday party ? Well, I put a short video clip of that on my myspace blog.

Sometime about 2 weeks ago, Myspace picked up that video and featured it on their home page. Since then . 293,471people have viewed  the video. That  really shows how powerful internet media can be.. !

Tuesday evening – jet lag

Oy… All three of us are walking around pretty spacy. I’m need to get to bed very soon. I did have a productive day back. I managed to push through the 1052 email messages I’d received since a week ago Sat. and caught up with the work things that had happened while I was gone. I also managed to work through  the backlog of emails  that people had  sent us about SamStones they’d placed or found . The ‘Where are Samstones‘ map is now up to date. I also went through and did some maintaince on Sam’s Myspace.. To this day I d  not read his private mail.. but I do occaisonaly have to remove the Spam that sometimes builds up on his comment list.. As I was doign that I was so moved by the comments that his friends keep posting to his site. If you’ve never read them… it’s worth a look.

I think all I’m going to do tonight in the blog is post some links to videos I took on the India trip. I didn’ thave enough bandwidth to upload them.. so I’ll do it now..

Here are a few videos about driving. the first is a time lapse that we took with Gabe’s camera. We’re driving up into the mountains towards Munnar. What you can’t see in the movie is the sheer cliffs that are right off to our right .. eeek !

The next is a video of some crazy passing that we had to do on these narrow mountain roads.. close your eyes !

Here are some monkeys we foudn by the side of the road on our first day. That was a big deal for us then.. we didn’t know that we’d be seeing monkeys everywhere we went.

.. and speaking of Monkey’s.. This little guy was in a zoo we stopped at.. I guess no one cared that the bars weren’t enough to keep him in

Cows were the most common animals we saw… They are everywhere and they are protected by law.. they can wonder into streets, homes, etc. We saw these guys .. or actually .. these guys chased us off .. in Cochin

Some of the Cows and Oxes are pressed into service as wanering minstrals..Wehre theire lead into your yard wiht loud music and you have to pay before they’re led away.. I’s sort of like a marriachi arraingement.

We also saw many elephants. These guys were at a rescue/training hospital

This movie is of a a bunch of musicians practicing for the Hindu Pooja festival. The video doesn’t do justice to the powerful effect ofbeing in the same room as this music. It was awesome !

Here’s a quick video of Gabe driving the speed boat in the resevoir. He’s good at it !

This last one is of our friend Chandu trying to juggle 3 coconuts.. Pretty impressive !

Well. that’s all I have for tonight.. Rmemebr the Halloween party is Sat, 7PM at our house.. Please come in costume if possiblr. We’d love to see you there.

OK.. gnite all, gnite Sam

Monday evening – home again !

Home again, home again… we’re currently somewhere over the north Atlantic en route between Frankfort and Washington Dulles.. I think we’re only 9 hours from home.. which makes it three quarters of the way.
What a trip.. ! 5 countries, at least 27,000 miles, 10 airplanes, 10 airports, two boats, 7 cars, 6 hotels. One houseboat and at least 30 cups of cooked spicy lentils. We won’t soon forget this trip.

We left the hotel in Kovalum yesterday  at about 7AM.. It wasn’t easy to pry me or Gabe out of bed at that time of the night.. ugh.

We took a last look around our hotel …

The headed up for a quick breakfast before our plane. There was something new that morning on the juice bar. ‘Sour Goard Juice’. Sounds yummy, no  Diane got me a big cup

Does Gabe like it …. ? 

Does Diane  like it …. ? 

Truth be told it was the most unimaginably vile stuff I’ve ever put in my mouth.. and that’s saying something.. but I drank most of it anyway..  We finished up and left the rest of our meal to the aggressive crows and checked out of the hotel… 

The ride to the Trivandrum airport was less than a half of an hour.  We spent the time getting ready to say good bye to Manooj. It was hard for us to say goodbye to him.. We’d spent so much time together for the past week..   I told him we’d try to find him a good wife somewhere (any takers ladies  ? he’s a real nice guy !!!!)  Seriously.. We would highly recommend going to Kerala.. if you do go.. we would very highly recommend you use the Travel Planners agency (ask for Santhosh).. and if you do that.. we would highly, highly, highly recommend that you ask specifically for Manooj !  He really made the trip special for us… Anyway.. we had to leave and so did he..

It was cute.. he hung around and watchied us from outside making sure we knew where we were going.. Goodbye Manooj.. Namaste !

The Trivandrum airport was nice and modern.. we had no trouble getting to our plane. This is the second time we’ve flown Kingfisher air.. I swear.. it’s been the best service and best airplane food of any airline I’ve ever flown..

The flight to Bangalore was a short hour and twenty minutes.. Soon we were back in the packed, noisy chaotic Bangalore airport.

We collected our bags and wandered out to the road.. I hadn’t gone 10 feet when someone yelled John.. it was Gajendra, the driver that our good friend  Chandu had hired to pick us up. He said he had no problem picking us out from the crowd.. Chandu had said look for the guys with crazy hair. 

Gajendra drove us about 40 minutes through a section of Bangalore I’d never seen out to an area that was a little less packed. As we drove we saw many of the cars decorated for the Hindu Pooja festival.

We got to Chandu’s sister Sushi’s house at around 11:30 . Chandu and I have known each other for 19 years.. He and I went to graduate school together at CMU.. in fact.. he helped me get through my first linear systems/simulation class…He now works at IBM research.  He’s a great, great guy funny, interesting and absolutely brilliant. He’s basically created an entirely new field in my industry and is know  around the world for that. I’d told him that we were going to be in Bangalore and it just worked out that he was going to be here at the same time.. Even better, his sister Sushi and brother in law Tilak were  holding a house blessing ceremony for their new house the very day we were coming through. Chandu invited us to come over and watch.. What a pleasure and an honor !

When we got there, the Pooja’s for the house were just about to begin. We were interoduced to many members of Chandu’s family.. Here’s Chandu and his father.. Chandu’s father is a retired contractor and is a Sanskrit scholar and author.  He’s an amazing guy.

In fact all of Chandu’s family is very technical (and accomplished !)  . His sister Sushi’s a professor at IISc, His sister Lakshmi’s a Pathologist, His Uncle’s a mechanical  engineer. His niece is an aero/astro major at MIT, His other niece will begin studying engineering when she enters university in two years.. It was nice to be among nerds like me !  As soon as the nuclear family was there, the blessing (pooja) service began. The priest offered flowers, incense and coconut mil to a statue of Ganesh and asked him in Sanskrit chant  to banish any evil spirits that might be lurking on the site of the new house..

The priest lit an oil lamp and each of us wafted the smoke into our eyes ad onto our heads.

The priest then walked all the rooms of the house chanting and sprinkling coconut water using a bunch of leaves.

When the pooja service was over, the family climbed up to the third floor roof of the new building for a traditional feast.. Many more relatives (about 100 !) showed up at that point.

The cooks had been working outside since the day before..

The view rom the roof was really nice.. you could see the center of Bangalore in the distance  (and Chandu’s niece in the foreground)

A giant colorful tent had been set up on the rrof to house the guests.

You can see the houses solar water heater here.. it provides all the service hot water for the building. Most homes here have them.

The tent had been set up with many tables.. set with banana leaf ‘plates’ . The food was all lined up on one end.. We all sat down and the cooks spooned ut a beautiful array of foods I’d never seen.

Let me see what I can remember.. Right to left.. Pasam (sweet rice porridge) on the right.. to be eaten first, curried yams. Chopped green beans with chilies.. rice, raita (yoghurt) rice  and pomegranate salad, rice and corn salad, curried grapes, mango pickle, fried noodle balls, roasted chilies, papadom, pekora, potato chips, dhal,  rice, ghee. what did I miss ? It was all wonderful.

And… you eat it with your hands.. actually.. your hand.. righthand only… left hand is a big no-no..

Man.. we were stuffed !. They even had something for that.. ‘pan’.. I’ve shown it before. It’s beetle tree nut, with a little slaked lime wrapped in a beetle leaf.. These had silver foil on them that you ate ! Pan is supposed to stimulate digestion.. It’s weird but I like it.

As we were sitting around down stairs tow different people with Oxen came by. You’re supposed to give them a little money for luck then they go to the next house. Seems a little like Mariachis .

We then had some  time talking to uncle Chandra and his daughter Poppi and her husband Pravinder (I’m sure I’m butchering all their names)  We really enjoyed getting to know them. I’ll be sure to look them up next time I’m in town… 

As we chatted, our hosts finally had a chance to eat up stairs.. They’d been on their feet the entire afternoon !

Here’s Chandu’s nephew.. he was the official photographer for the day.. He’s about a half year older than Gabe.

At that point the party was winding down. We helped carry the gifts that Shushi and Tilak had received into Gajendra’s van and we drove off to Chandu’s parents.  They live in an apartment building that stands on the sight of the house that Chandu and his sister’s grew up in.   

The relatives showed up there and everyone stood around trying to figure out what to do with the leftovers…   That’s Tilak, Sushi, Regina, and Chandu’s mom in the photo. 

Around 6:30 we headed back out to get  one of the bags we’d checked at the Bangalore Leela before we went to Kerala.. Traffic was fierce even on a Sunday night. Everything was jumping because of the Hindu holiday. Many doors had smashed pumpkins on them as signs of good luck..

Even the busses had been adorned with Vermillion for luck

We came across a parade of kids in trucks dancing and chanting along with blaring loudspeakers. It was wild !

We eventually made it to the Leela.. Diane and Gabe went out to the fountain to see if the SamStone was still there. It was .. but it had been moved.. a bit.. someone had picked it up. That’s the idea after all. 

As I walked through the foyer of the hotel someone yelled out ‘hey john’ it was my good friends Guru from Poughkeepsie and Mohan. Mohan lives here, but I had no idea Guru  was coming to Bangalore . In fact.. I’d sent him and email yesterday morning to ask him something.  As if that weren’t enough a few minutes later I was walking out of the hotel and my friend Rahul A and his wife walked in. This is the third random meeting I’ve had on this trip.. no wait.. forth. The world is truly flat..

As we left the hotel we notice a Lamborghini parked out front. Now there’s a practical car for a town with round the clock bumper to buper traffic !.

We headed through that traffic down to Brigade street.

 We were all Jones-ing pretty hard for Pizza.. Don’t know why.. but it’s become a minor family tradition to end a family vacation with Pizza.. We inched our way to the restaurant past all sorts of western icons. Note: They have many vegetarian items on the menu at McDonalds here.

At last we got to the gourmet restaurant we’d been seeking.. Pizza Hut !  My buddy Geetha A. had agreed to meet us there. Geetha was one of the rotational assignees in the IBM Academy. It was so good seeing herhere. She’s now working on a big deal for IBM that has here commuting every week back and forth to Delhi.. yuck.

Pizza was good, but they kept screwing up our order.. Overall it was a bunch of fun.

From there. We drove back to Chandu’s folks house., grabbed a quick shower , said good bye to them and headed to the airport. 

We breezed through check-in and baggage screening then had 2 hours to wait in the Bangalore airport.. one of my least favorite places.. the new airport is due to open next spring.. and boy is it needed..   We sat on the floor and played cards until our plane was called..

The flight to Frankfort was pretty uneventful.. The most noteworthy part was probably my last Indian meal for at least a week or two

Gabe slept the entire way.. he’s a real contortionist on planes.

We had about a 5 hour layover in Frankfort.. We ate a bit..  ahhh sandwiches.. now that’s new !

Gabe noticed that their Red Bull pull tabs were different..   He’s kept the can

One more SamStone in the Frankfort airport before boarding..

OK. That’s it for the trip back…. And that’s all my batteries. I hope to post when we arrive in DC..  This has been a wonderful, memorable trip. 

I look forward to seeing everyone.. Love you Sam..
-us (from somewhere over the North Atlantic)