Friday night – art auction

We’rve just come back from the Friends of Sam Art Auction at JDK.. and I’m so sleepy I can hardly type. It was a great event thanks to the kids with great help from Deb, Jen, Liz and the generous doantion for all our artistic friends. I got there around 5:30 and found Deb putting out a veritable feast of hors-devours with help from the kids who  were all dressed up to serve. The food was all delcicious… I stocked up before heding down

All night we had a steady flow of folks coming by.. not a huge crowd.. but enoughfolks to make it feel lively and good. The bids started coming in.

We had all sorts of art.. prints









Etc, etc, etc..

Even birdhouses !

Jen fired the glass the kids did last night.. they looked amazing

Around 9 we closed the bidding and folks picked up their treasures

We haven’t completely tallied the bids… but most of the art sold.. and the Friends of Sam raised more than 2000 dollars for the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf..  That’s a wonderful take for the evening.. Our big thanks to the Friends of Sam and Deb, Jen, and Liz for plannign the event and making it happen.. And our thanks to David K and JDK for allowing us to host the auction in their beutiful building.

We met a woman named Nancy who’d had a Heart/liver transplant a few years back.  She told us about  how the organ donations saved her life. We talked about  all the emotions around transplant. It was really good to see how healthy and vital she was..

Good night friends.. thanks for all you do for Sam and for us. We love you.. we love you Sam !