Monday night – Christmas Eve..

It’s almost 2AM on Christmas Eve and I’m just lying down to do this blog. I apologize if it’s rushed. Another Christmas and with it come such a mix of emotions. We’ve had a really good day just hanging out with friends, wrapping presents, eating.. like just about everyone else we know… At the same time, missing Sam is taking nearly all of my energy .. Still it feels OK to me in some other worldly sort of way. I feel  like Sam would be (is) proud of us for enjoying ourselves as much as we are.

We had a steady stream of drop bys today. It was great having these short visits with friends just to say happy holidays…   Just after lunch we ventured out to decorate our tree in the woods.
On our way over, Gabe took us on a short detour to see a beutiful christmas card herd made for all of us in the snow. I never new you could use spray piant on snow.. but look, it works !

Decorating a tree outdoors  is a tradition we’ve had for many, many years.. we take our old baked goods, smear some of them with peanut butter and birdseed and hang them on this one evergreen back up in the woods. It was a tough climb getting there today without snowshoes. The snow was still 1,5 feet deep and crusty.. We kept falling in.

We got to the tree and laid out our goodies and proceeded to decorate. Gabe developed a cool way of hanging bagels and donuts.. You tie two together and through it like a bolo. Works every time !

We had the tree looking beautiful in no time. It was fun being there today. I was also  thinking of Sam in that beautiful spot.. and all the times he was with us there… 

We warmed up over some hot chocolate that Diane had brought with us.

Then it was time to walk.. (or sled) home.

We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out and wrapping presents. Around 5 we all went up to the Black Bear inn on Bolton Mountain. Tim, Jen , Coc . Marie and Nate had invited us to meet them up there..I’d actually never been in the place.. even though Brian and Jill, the owners, are  friends of ours.It was a really, really  wonderful meal.  I strongly recommend the place !

Here’s Coco and the bear…

I love my family… !

… even if they’re weird.

We got back to the house abotu 8.. and played a quiet game of who-Monopoly , (Gabe won).. Around 10 everyone decided to go to bed. It’s been a good day..
I”m looking forward to Christmas day…

Merry christmas everyone. Merry Christmas Sam. You’ll be there in our hearts tomorrow…
