Friday night – my birthday

I woke up late this morning thinking of Sam. It took me a few moments to remember that today was actually my birthday. I lay in bed for a while thinking about how I felt. It is definitely hard having a birthday without Sam being here with us.. At the same time, I feel like  it’s appropriate for us to celebrate the milestone of turning a year older.  Sam would not have wanted to ruin an opportunity for a party. As I imagined, the day was full of both fun and sad moments. Several times throughout the day I had to go into Sam’s room to look at his pictures and cry.. the rest of the day I spent enjoying myself. I think feeling these contrasts are a good thing..  The more I feel these highs and lows the more I realize I’m having the highs occasionally. .. does that make sense ?
     One of my priorities for the day was to get outside.. because that’s where I feel Sam most strongly. Around 12 Diane, Chai and I piled in the car and drove up Bolton Notch  road to the long trail. We snowshoed in to the west up unto the ridge that’s right across from Robbins mountain. It was a beautiful cold and sunny day.  There was a ton of snow. It was a perfect day for a snowshoe.. The wind had blown the snow into perfect stripes on the western faces of the trees which added a fun extra challenge to following the Long Trail’s white blazes. The climb up to the ridge is pretty steep.. by the time we got up there  we’d burned enough calories to earn our cake. We walked to a nice clearing that I like and decided to turn around. I marked the turn around with my signature naked snow angel.. I try to do this every year on my birthday…it’s a strange tradition. I know.expecially when it’s 5 degrees out and windy.. I got re-dressed faster than I would have believed possible. On way back down I was hit in the eye very hard by a stick… I managed to get a bad scrape and bruise to my right eyelid, just above my eyelashes I was extremely lucky because it could easily have badly hurt my eye… This is one of those good examples of finding good in a bad situation. I’m getting good at that. Check out my eye !:
   We got home around 2:30 After Max and Gabe got home we decided to sing happy birthday and open presents. It was a bittersweet moment .. we lit a candle for Sam and spent a few minutes crying together.and invited him into our celebration.  Once he was with us, we switched gears  and dug into celebrating. Max and Gabe had printed and framed some amazing time lapse photos they’d taken..  In several of them they had drawn Sam in light.. it was so beautiful and sad…  I’ll try to get the originals and post them sometime this week.  Diane got me a great digital camera like Hannah’s … I’ve been wishing for one  to help me with this blog.. . Here is the first shot of my beatiful family from my new camera
    Sam even  gave me a wonderful  present today, too …. In today’s mail were two short  cards of thanks from the woman  who received Sam’s liver and the man who received one of Sam’s kidney’s.. It was such a wonderful connection to have made. The agency is very careful on protecting the identities of donors and recipients.. Now that we know that these two people are willing to communicate, we plan on writing to them . We’ll see where that goes.  I’ll keep everyone posted.
     This evening we had a ‘few’ people over for a potluck.. by the end of the evening I think there were more than 80 folks here. Many of them were Sam’s friends which makes us all very happy. . We really had a good time. I had a few liters of liquid nitrogen left over from last week. We used it for blowing up a garbage can with liquid nitrogen

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 then we used the rest to make liquid nitrogen chocolate ice cream… from goop to ice cream in about 30 seconds. Yum !

Then we made several hundered SamStones. It was a great evening.
   Here’s me contemplating the candels. Five for my family was definitely easier than the 48 it would really take:

   Well.. It’s getting late.. I’m going to finish up now. Thanks to all the people who phoned, emailed, wrote or visitied. We feel very well loved and cared fore. Sam, I feel you with me so much tonight…I love you my son…



Thursday Night – my birthday eve

The four of us just came back from Sakuras where we had an excellent sushi dinner in early celebration of my 48th birthday tomorrow.  We ordered a 5th bowl of miso soup for Sam.. He’s always at the table when the four of s sit down.   It’s funny facing my birthday. Right now, I feel pretty good about it.. though I’m not sure how I’ll feel tomorrow. This birthday.. and any holiday/anniversary is going to feel different without Sam physically here with us.  It’s a change that’s to big to explain. The hopes and dreams I had for my first 47 years have been completely and irrevocably changed by Sam’s death. I don’t mean that I don’t still have hopes and dreams.. It’s that I need to rebuild them all. I’m certainly sadder than I was.. but I think I’m stronger somehow too. It’s so hard integrating that I won’t get to experience some of the things I had hoped to cherish in the future.. Sam driving, Sam’s Graduation, Sam’s wedding, Sam’s kids.. and that feels like a huge hole in my heart.  At the same time I know that I’m still blessed. That thought came to me so strongly at the Reiki session I did today with Marci T. I know that I’m going to live the years to come in a more mindful and thoughtful place.. Even as I grieve for Sam, I’m so thankful for what I have.. my beautiful sons Max and Gabe who are here  with us and the memory and presence of my beautiful son  Sam who feels like he’s everywhere I’m so lucky to have my strong and beautiful wife Diane by my side.. our loving parents and siblings. This amazing community….    Our lives are not perfect anymore  but we have much still to be thankful for.  .. and I know it.. and that’s how I plan to face my birthday tomorrow.. Wish me luck. 

    Diane and I began today talking about the stages of grief table that I posted in the blog yesterday She made a good point about the first column of the table that suggests a timeline for the process. She pointed out how strange it is to try to assign a specific timeline for a process that everyone has to approach differently. It really is dangerous to set an expectation on someone.. or on yourself for that matter.. that after 2weeks we’ll be like this.. after 3 months I’m going to be like that… after 6 months  I’ll be fine.   I’m really dreading the day that someone says or implies  aren’t you over this yet ?!”  It’s not going to happen like that…. Over it isn’t even my goal.

    Speaking of time, I noticed that  today marks 80 days since Sam died… I was thinking today as I ran that that makes 80 days in a row I’ve spent at least a few minutes crying hard…That’s 80 days in a row that I’ve gone to bed thinking about Sam.. and that I’ve woke up thinking about him.   That’s an amazing amount of time to think of one thing… and I’m just starting at this.

    OK..  I’m going to go write Sam’s name in the snow.. I’ve done it every day there’s been snow on the ground. I hope some other folks will do the same. .. consider that a birthday present for me. Hey Sam.. you’re invited to my party.. always.


 ps Mike Lawlor was kind enough to forward me a recording of the Skanky Green song that the guys just wrote about Sam. I posted the lyrics last Sunday (2/04/07)..Here’s the recording of  The Ballad of Captain Sam. I love it !

Wednesday night – pretty spacey

Ahhhhh. I finally got a chance to lie down after a long busy day. I’m coming to really enjoy my time writing every night. I go into Sam’s room, plop down on his bed and think about my day… It’s really a good habit to spend some time reflecting on your day. I wish it didn’t have to come to me in the way it did. I’ve been  doing much better this week about keeping true to my goal of mindfulness. I’ve managed not to get caught up too much in the rush of my old life. I realized today that the lessons I’m learning from Sam are accelerating a path I was trying to follow for the last several years.. I had that realization when I saw a bumper sticker in Sakura’s parking lot that said: “remember the person you wanted to be …”  what a great thought. For me that has two meanings.. there’s the ‘remember the goals and ideals that you may have lost along the way.’ And a second meaning.. I used to say that if I could be anyone else in the world, I would have wanted to be Sam..   He was so strong, so confident, sure of himself, satisfied and able…   “… “remember the person you wanted to be”.. I will

   I think so much bout Sam these days that I can hardly think of anything else. Diane and I were talking about it during our early morning Snowshoe… We both are so spaced out these days that we feel a major sense of accomplishment if we each finish one task in a day. Diane told me that yesterday Hannah T came over to hang out with her…They drove around doing errands. Diane found that she was getting far more done with Hannah in tow than she’d been getting done by herself. It seemed like having someone with her allowed Diane to focus and stay on task. That a minor epiphany for me// then and there I committed to finding myself a Hannah or two to keep me pointed in  the ht direction. This afternoon I latched on to my friend Jason at work .. he proved to be a good Hannah for the day. I think I’ m going to d latch on to folks like that to help me keep moving.. If I do it to you and it bugs you, please feel free to tell me to find a different Hannah.

   Speaking of spaciness (was I speaking of spaciness ? )   My old friend Sarah sent me a table today that she’d been given when coping with a loss. It gives a rough timeline for the effects of grief..  I expect that the timeline changes with the person and the loss.. the columns do seem to resonate with where we are now though…


















(hours to days)


Slowed and/or disorganized thinking


Suicidal thoughts

Wish to join deceased

May appear unaffected


Psychic numbness







Physical numbness

Feeling of unreality

Feeling of being outside body

Hypo or hyperactivity




Unaware of others







(first week to 3 months)


Preoccupied with thoughts of deceased













Sense of presence


Physical distress

Pain in chest

Sleep disturbance



Decreased appetite

Weight loss



Seeks help







(3 to 6 months)




Slowed thinking

Loss of interest

Decreased self esteem

Focus on memories







Feeling of unreality

Intense anguish


Deceased inside self

Adopt traits and mannerisms of deceased


Decreased resistance to illness



Avoid others

Lacks initiative

Lacks interest







(6 months to years)


Develop realistic memory of deceased

Develop pleasure in remembering

Return to previous level of functioning

Find new meaning in life


Experience both sadness and happiness


Return to previous level


New or renewed social relationships

New or renewed interests


Resumes former coping and/or adds new coping mechanisms


By this timeline, I guess I should plan to be disorganized for some time to come… I love that. Planning to be disorganized.. Sigh…

    We’ll I did manage to remember one thing today . I took the mitten rack that the  girls  had welded and painted up to Bolton. I needed to get it up to the Townsend’s before one more mitten landed on their very nice floor. Gabe had a good night up there and placed 2nd in his age group again   Unfortunately, by the time I got there, Deb and Barry  Townsend had left for the hospital with their son Matt who’d just broken both leg bones on the  Money Boot ( I think that’s where it was)  landing a jump. It’s a double bummer since Matt broke this same leg last year.. Matt and his Mom and Dad have to spend the night in the hospital. Let’s all send Matt some love tonight. While we’re at  it let’s also send some to my friend Jim who just got a hip replaced, to Lori who just had her knee re-done and to Janet who also had surgery this week. Busy week for healing…  Send them some love Sam… 


Tuesday Night – LaGuardia Airport

It’s 8PM-ish on Tuesday night and I’m in LaGuardia Airport. I came down for the day to attend a meeting in Somers NY. Somers is one of IBM’s corporate sites so there are folks there from all over the company. It’s always cool to walk around there and see who you see. Today I ran into friends from Israel, Japan NY, and Minnesota. All but one of them had heard about Sam’s death. I’m always amazed at how far this news has traveled. I’ve been around IBM so long and know so many people around the company that it feels like an extended family to me.  Everyone is so touched by and so caring about our situation. One thing I find very hard to do in a work situation s to manage the transitions in a conversation from the topic of Sam.. which I love and need to talk about.. to any other topic… like work. There is no segue that works and it makes people feel so awkward. I wish I could help them. I’ve always tried very hard to put people at ease in a conversation.. now it’s so hard.  This is just one of the many differences that I have to get used to in this new universe. 

    I got a chance to talk about some of these differences this morning with another IBM-guy, Craig from the Boston area. Craig is a friend of my friend Delia. He was going to be in Burlington for a meeting today. We’d hoped to meet up while he was in town, but the schedules didn’t work out, so we talked while he drove to Vermont and I drove to Somers. I wanted to talk to Craig because I knew that he too had lost a child. Craig’s beautiful five year old daughter, Amilia, was killed in a gas explosion at the family’s summer home 3 years ago. The explosion was caused by faulty repairs on the homes gas dryer. I found it really hard hearing about another family’s tragedy like this. My own pain around Sam’s death has made me more sensitive to other peoples suffering. We spent a long time talking about our kids, our families, and our path through grief and healing. We also talked about how different our lives had become. Craig and four of his friends are in the process of forming an organization to help grieving fathers called ‘fathers-forever’.  The idea is to create a support network for men who have lost sons or daughters. It sounds like it would be a wonderful resource.  Craig also told me that he and his family were able to get a law passed in New Hampshire to help prevent tragedies like theirs. You can read their story at It was great connecting with Craig.. I hope to meet him next time I go down to Boston.

     As I’m sitting here typing, my brother Billy just called from Bordeaux France. He’s over there doing his first human tests on a new medical device that he designed and developed. It’s 3 AM there but he couldn’t sleep so he called. I love talking to Billy. He just told me that he stuck a SamStone in the city’s 600 year old Cathedral. I love hearing that. We talked for over an hour.., glad I don’t have to pay that phone bill.  

     OK, looks like our plane is finally boarding.   I’m eager to get home. Today’s trip was worth it. The meeting I came down for   turned out to be  productive and fun.. What’s more,  my good friend Willow gave me a cake in thanks for making the trip down.. I’m sitting here in the airport staring at the cake deciding whether I should eat it all myself or bring it home to Diane, Max and Gabe…   What would you do Sam ?   G’nite


Ps. Here’s a great picture that our friend Bill took of Sam then doctored in Photoshop..I love this picture.  I miss him so much ….

spin blur