Monday night – in Louvre

Somedays all you have is a beautiful sunset….  

I am up late finishing the first pass of my project with Champlain College. We were supposed to have it in last Friday.. but just hit send on it.. so one day late.. not even if you count the holiday weekend.  Not too bad when you consider that it was all volunteer labor. It really was so much fun to put together.. n. I feel pretty good about it. I’m incredibly grateful to the talented students and staff at Champlain.. Now we’re going to start getting lots of feedback/bug reports, but the bulk of the work is behind us  Whewwwwwwww. Here’s page 2 … Meet Jai, our mascot.

That was all I had until I just read my mail. I got a note from my friend Julie, by way of myhigh school  friend Sandy that a likeness of me has been spotted in the Loure Museum in Paris.. I have to admit.. this is one handsome guy. What do you all think… should I sue ? for now.. gotta sleep. Gnite all.. Gnite Sam

Saturday night – stealth

I really needed a day like today.. I didn’t do anything I had to do .. only stuff I wanted to do.. We woke up late and puttered around the house for a while until Gabe and Trevor got up to go to the mountain. I took advantage of the downtime to begin installing the new PC we got for video editing..   As I was putting new memory in the machine I started thinking about all the memories already in there.. we have about 300 Gig of movies .. most of them called Untitled_xyz.avi or something like that.. Many of them are Max’s old projects.. many are by or about Sam. As I move them to the new machine I wonder what I need to keep.. and what I can clean off. I opt for saving everything for a time when I’m strong enough to look through and catalog what’s there. Computer disks are the new ‘attic’ of our lives.

I took the boys up to the mountain and came back for a snowshoe with Diane and Chai. today we began our normal route.. then opted to turn and bushwhack back towards the house . That simple turn makes all the difference (as Mr. Frost so aptly said.. ).. once we were off our trail we discovered an amazing playground of steep descents, ravines and cliffs we’d never seen and it was all  less than a quarter mile from our house.

I got home just in time to leave for lunch with my friend Dave D. who’s up visiting from Austin.  Dave’s a cool and eclectic guy.. we like the same books and have many of the same interests.. though he likes Jazz.. which I guess is not a major character flaw.  Diane stopped in and ate some sushi with us which was great.. It was fun catching up with him.

I got home just before Diane was leaving for the Girls slumber party over at Deb’s.. It was a perfect cold, blue sky late winter day.. the back door window captured the blue of the sky and the red of the barn.,

 I was lying by the fire with Chai when I noticed this log in the shape of a valentine burning in the stove.. I thought it was a cool image.

After Diane left, Abbot showed up with an idea to make some light up ear plugs for his gaged earlobes. He had these clear plastic plugs We drilled them out and I glued in some of these very cool color changing LED’s that I picked up in shanghai 2 trips ago. We managed to find small lithium batteries that were exactly the same diameter as the plugs. They look really good and seem to work well.. Last time I saw Abbot he was blinking red, green and blue…

around 7:15 I went up and picked up Gabe and some buddies from the mountain.. They were all staying over here for a boys night.. while all the girls stayed at Deb’s in a girl’s slumber party.. We had to drop by there to pick up Matt.. Look at the sign they put out for us !!!

The girls had a lovely party going.. they were coloring mandala’s Eating great, healthy food, listening to quiet music

… playing with Hannah’s kids.

We were so inspired that we guys came back and cooked up some fast fried junk food and sat around and had belching contests… and worse…

To be completely  honest, I must admit that we did have one girl here or part of the night.. Juli Z. was here with Nate.. but that didn’t throw the testosterone/estrogen balance off too badly..

The boys went outside to use the rail that Gabe and I had put in there.. It seems to work well for the skiers.. looks like we’ll need to move it back a bit for the boarders.. Right now they don’t have room to get set up quite right.. Still it works pretty well for our flat backyard !

Here’s Gabe using his head !

I called the kids in once more toe at the Chocolate fondue that Dine had helped us prepare.. It was so good..

Then we hatched a plan.. an evil, sinister plan.. we decided to stage a daring midnight raid on the girls… Why you ask ? Because we’re nasty, evil, male pigs.. .. and we were wired from all that chocolate..   We all got dressed in black pants and black coats and wrapped our heads in black shirts.. we were now a band of silent ninjas.. We drove up to Deb’s in 3 cars.. and parked about 3 houses down.. we got out and finalized our plan for attack.. we were to surround the house where the girls were .. then, at a signal from one of us, start pelting the house with snowballs.   We got to the bottom of the hill.. then realized that the driveway was too exposed.. we all climbed up a gully to the right of the house.. the snow was over my waste.. so it was heard going.. we had to keep hidden as we slogged through the deep snow..

Finally we were all in position. Nate and Matt from on the roof.. Gabe and Tim F were near the hot tub. Tim K, Zion and I were near the back porch.. All of a sudden the girls stated coming outside to use the hot tub.. we started yelling .. but no snow balls… the snow was too cold (about 6 degrees) to pack.. I put a ‘Boys Rule’ sign on the back porch then we all started running down the driveway.. as Gabe lit a big showy firework out in the snow..

We were all laughing hysterically by the time we got back to the car.. We’d been in and out in something like 10 minutes.. I hope the girls thought it was funny.. otherwise.. we have some major apologizing tomorrow..

We all got back here and peeled off our wet and snow filled clothing..

The boys went in to watch a movie… and/or play xbox…

… And I went in to blog.. but I’m now ready to sleep. I hope you all had a great day…   I did…   Love you all… love you so much Sam..

Friday night – chocolate day

Uneventful day.. I felt pretty low energy today which was tough because I had lots to do.  I began the day with a science show at the Baird school in Burlington. Baird is run by Howard Mental Health Service and is an alternative school for about 55 kids from 3rd through 8th grade.   We had the show in their beautiful new GYM. It was a great audience.. the kids were really into the material and had lots of great science background.   We had a really good time… Near the end of the show this kid Ely shouted out that his shoes were lighting up every time I ran the tesla coil.. It was amazing.. he was sitting halfway across the gym.. and every time I hit the button to start the coil.. his shoes started blinking.. Since is wonderful !

My friend Dave showed up to help me with the show. Dave is trying to learn the spiel of my show so he can do the show for the Vermont School for the Deaf Winterfest net Thursday. Dave, who’s deaf, is signing the whole show in ASL… I’m just there to make sure he doesn’t zap himself. We’re working on making the audio parts of the show.. e.g the Theremin into something you can either see and or feel. It should be fun.

After the show today, Dave and I loaded my gear back into the van.. I then realized that the emergency blinkers had drained the battery. The van wouldn’t star. Dave and I tried to jump start it using my go-kart batteries.. it almost worked.. but it wouldn’t turn over. I ended up getting a jump from Paula the principal .

From Baird, I stopped at Champlain Chocolates to pick up some chocolate for Diane’s fondue tomorrow night,   While in there I sampled a bunch of different chocolates.. I’d heard a great interview with a chocolatier on the radio yesterday and was in the mood to sample the wares.. I settled on some that I liked and bought some for the folks at Champlain College. I  then went to Champlain and worked the whole day trying to finish up our first draft of our project.. … and eating more chocolate. Today was our deadline.. and.. we almost made it.. I’m hoping to be able to put the first version of it up for comment tomorrow morning.   I so much appreciate all the hard work the students and staff at Champlain have put into this thing.. I hope folks like it..   It’s designed to be a companion piece to the Educational Video Game that IBM announced today  (see We’ll see how that goes.  I was in work calls all day as well.. so it was kind of schizophrenic.. I was trying to be in two places at once and basically failed at being completely in either.

 I had to take off at about 4 to take my show gear back to IBM…in time for me to make a meeting I had in Montpelier at 5. The meeting was with the Vermont State Science Teachers’ Association .. I’d been invited to their meeting to brainstorm about fun science activities for Vermont school kids. It was an absolutely fantastic meeting.. many cool ideas came up. One I liked was having a YouTube video contests about science topics.. We’d get high school students to help us make videos designed to get middle school students more interested in science.   We’ll see where it goes.  Here are a few of my friends in the association.. They’re a great group of folks !

I got home around 7 and had a nice quiet dinner with Diane.. It was great catching up after a busy week. We have both been really, really  missing Sam this week.. We always miss him.. Sometimes it becomes almost too much to bear.. When it’s like that somehow our friends just start showing up. Sometimes we feel like Sam whispers to them that we need a visit.. It feels like he still takes care of us..

OK.. That’s all for now.. I’m going to jump in the bath. I feel so lazy !  Gnite to you all.. gnite Sam.. more tomorrow.

ps. I apologize for adding another geeky cartoon. This one’s for my brother.. I think he’s traveling now (Last week sweden.. this week cancun). He’ll get the message.. It’s an inside joke

hursday night – heart shaped day

Happy Valentine’s day folks. I hope it was a good one. It’s funny that there’s a special day for love.. but not special days for some of the other normal human emotions.. Apathy day ? Anger day ? .. Well. I’ll take love any day..
We did a low key observation today.. but it had all the right elements.. Heart  shaped cookies from my mom, heart shaped plates with hearts on them.

Sleepy boy with heart shaped waffles.

Even Chai got the opportunity for some flirting.. she went to the Crate Escape, Doggy Day Care place.. She gets so excited that she almost jumped out the window.  We take here to Crate Escape sometimes when neither Diane nor I can take her out for some exercise.

The day passed as most days do now.. fast and full. I spent the day at Champlain.. I’m trying to get our joint project wrapped up for our deadline tomorrow..  I love going there… but I’ll sure be glad when this project’s out the door.

I dropped by work on the way home to load my gear fro the show I hav tomorrow morning at Baird school.  

I also took the chance while at work to get a new badge.. I loose my badges all the time.. every few months it seems. My dirty little secret is that I usually am able to get into the building without them using simple Jedi mind tricks (” I look like I belong in this building.. please open the door for me”)  .. I do want to have a badge though.. so I went in and got one.. They offered to use my old picture.. but I wanted one with my Sam Button.. Here it is

By the time I got home it was nearly 7.. The three of us had a nice low-key stir fry dinner.. then we did a bit more Valentining.. Gabe made us a cool card..   And we did some more chocolate, flowers and stuff like that.

These beautiful flowers are from Diane’s folks.

Then we did the est thing possible. the three of us when to Sam’s room and watched a really dumb/good  Jacky Chan movie (Rush Hour 3) together… I couldn’t have asked for a better night..

I was getting ready for bed when I came across this old valentine that Diane had found behind her dresser today.. It was good to see it.. it brought the tears that I had somehow been looking for  since my birthday last week.. good tears though.. Sometimes they just get backed up

Well my friends.. hug you loved ones for me… do it everyday !.. And while we’re thinking of hearts.. remember to carry and organ donor card with you.. and discuss it with your loved ones. There many ways to give love…

Love you guys.. love you Sam
