Sometimes I have to really think to find a theme for my day’s .. sometimes it just just drops into my lap… today it was the latter. I had a pretty uneventful morning.. Gabe came home last night after having a fantastic week long vacation with the Louds in Hilton Head. I missed him so much .. It was so nice to have him home.. I was already labeling the day as “good” …
After I got back from takign Gabe to school, i stumbled across the roll of labeling tape i’d misplaced over the weekend.. so I spent 10 minutes finishing up the lastbit of labeling of the bins I’d put in the lab. I do so much love my labeler.. I find anything with a name on it actually stays pretty much organized… while every unlabeld bin quickly becomes an assorted mess.. I finsihed labeling the last of the small parts bins.

Then I did some of he larger and more assorted bins.. Like this one.. i contains chemicals which are relatively non-flammable and fairly non-toxic.. Nothing I would eat, but the kind of chemicals you wouldn’t mind having in your house… I think the label really captures it..

Of course the previous label is only necessary relative to this one.. Though nothing really dangerous here either.

I had some early meetings so I headed off to work.. First thing I saw in the parking lot was this label on a car.. I’m sure it was there for me..

I tromped up to my office … and took a picture of th magnetic message I’d placed on my door.. At this point I hadn’t really made the connection that I was labeling everything today.
I went into my office and got on the phone.. As I talked I was admiring the cool engraving on my new bizzarro desk.. I couldn’t resist taking a picture..

I had some late meetings so I didn’t get home until nearly 7.. Soon after, Rusty and Tyler shoed up.. I’d figured out my theme at that point.. so I labeled them ..

Gabe was there.. so he got labeled too !

Then Brad, Silas and RJ showed up.. Brad told us he had a surprise for us.. He’d gotten himself inked with Sam’s initials … a great label !.. I was so moved by what he did. I can’t believe the love these kids all have for each other and for Sam.. All of these kids mean so much to me..

Here’s a newly shorn Silas… who also told us some good SamStone stories from his recent vacation to Dry Tortuga.

.and a freshly pierced RJ..

It took me a while to pick up on this hole labeling theme for today.. but here’s the lesson… and even though it sounds obvious.. it really came to me tonight. It made me think about how I am now frequently labeling each day.. or each situation as “good” or “bad”.. or labeling myself as “Sad” or “OK”, Diane’s advice to me is to just ‘be’.. not to try and simplify down to a simple label like that.. I think I get it….
OK.. all for now.. gotta sleep…’Nite folks.. ‘Nite Sam