wednesday night – bathtub

Greetings from the bathtub. I just got back from a conference in yorktown. This is the first time I’ve beeb home in more than a weel and a half. I’m celibrating by taking a nice long soak in the tub. We’ll find out if my blackberry is waterproof. Ib the past week and a half I’ve been in 3 totally different sets of ibm $eetong. Differnt topics, diofferent people… Different time horizons. Each of them has been really great. Together they’ve been. Exhausting. Not so. Much mentally and emotionally. I need a few days to unburn my candle.

In finding myself really energoized and excited about the things I’m involved in at work…there’s jiust too much of it right now. I suppose I should just be happy that I’m mostly happy.

Man..this water is hot … I need to get out before I melt. Well.. Its a first anyway.. First blog post from under water…

Good night folks..wash behind your ears U2 sam
