Happy almost new year folks.. tonight is the eve of the jewish new year.. erev rosh hashona… At this time of year we say Shana Tova …
! שנה טובה A good new year.
I found this picture of people spelling out ‘shana tova’.. using there bodies which is proof that people from all over the world, regardless of religion or culture, have too much time on their hands
My work day was pretty bleak.. I woke wth an unneasy feeling that I can’t possibly do all that I’m supposed to be getting done this week .. .. and I was not dissapointed.. I basically struck out at everything I tried today.. It seemed like every thing I’ve been working on had started to unravel a little. By abotu 4 I’d had enough.. and took off for an hour to watch Gabe’s soccer gane.. that helped a bit. It’s fun watching him play.. Today was an interestinf cool but muggy/buggy day..
The guys got beat but they had a great set of fans.. the girls team that was waiting for the field cheered them on. … Note that these young women decided to sit queitly in this nice straight row without any instrcution from adults.. sometim sI wonder if we’re all really the same species.
It was nice to see Jay come walkig across the feild in a Sam shirt.. that always makes me feel good.
The game was over around 5:30.. I took Gabe hme.. as I walked through the CHMS parking lot I spied these gems.
and my pereneal favorite
I dropped gabe at home through on my sjacket and headed out to Rosh Hashona services.. I had told myself that I wsan’t goign to go tonight.. but the historical urge proved overpowering. I decided to givce the Hillel congregation at UVM a try.. it’s been nice neough ver the past few years.. I used to love Beth Jacob in Montpellier. but the service leaders changed.. and the new style just didn’t work for me…
On the way there I stopped for a few minutes in Shelburne to say hi to Dave, Hanna, Adah and Senyah at their friend Toby’s house.
It wasreally nice meeting Hannah and Daves freinds.. they were wonderfull.. Here’s Hannah with her Sam pin.
Me and Senyah hanging out on the floor.
We all had the tradtional apples and honey to bring in a sweet new year.
Then I zoomed over to UVM for the service..
unfrotueanly.. I thought the services were in a different building… It took me about 20 minutes to figre out where I
was supposed to be . Ieventually found the place and was able to cath the last part of the service… I was theri for the mourners kkaddish.. which is really what I nedeed to do. I brought out my picture of Sam and dsaid the acient prayer abotu our everlasting souls and really had a good cry.. I think that’s what I was lookign for all day. I miss you so much Sam..
I saw a few freinds there Hannah B’s dad and Jake and family.. I said goodbye and headed home.
That was my day.. tough but not remarkable.
Now.. day 4 (?) of this innoavation journal.. pretty easy tonight since I didn’t innovate much
1. What, if anything related to innovating occurred for you today?
I hoensly can’t think of anything innovative I did today.. which might explain why I was so down.. or my lake of innovativeness might be because I was feeling down.. All I know is that inventing cheers me u…
Oh wait.. I guess I did do something innovatiish.. I brainstormed with Scott by email on how toimplement the Project-x mosnters powere supplies.. That was fun.. I’m trying to find soemthing that supplies just the right voltages and currents.
Who else was involved (knowingly or not!) in what happened for you on
that effort today? (Please don’t forget to include ST chats, email
exchanges, etc.)
Well… Scott.. I guess.. see above. We wewnt back and forth on several poswer supplies.. unfortunealy, we still haven’t found one that will work for what we need.
In general, do you feel more optimistic or more concerned about the
potential / likely success of this effort today than yesterday? Why?
Clocks ticking.. my energy is low.. I’m doooooooomed I tell you.. dooooooooooooooomed, dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed
4. Please take a picture of something (anything) that is suggestive of this effort in any way that is meaningful to you…. (or draw one).
Well. I dont have anything really.. I guess I’ll drop in theis block diagram for a switching poser suply like the ones I’ve been discussing with Scott
5. Did anything hinder your innovativeness today ?
severe apathy, religion, chance
6. Add anything else you think pertinent to your day.
I think ‘good night’ would be about right..’good night’ Sam..
Happy new year all !
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