One thing this slow time of year is helping me do is think. Even with the downturn in the economy I am actually feeling pretty optimistic about the coming change in the government. I’m trying to find a way that my interest in getting kids interested in science and technology might fit into all of this change. As I put into my paper.. I really believe that technology can be a huge help to our troubled society as we look for ways to manage environmental disruption, energy generation, clean water supplies, etc. The trouble is, that’s not the message kids usually hear about engineering and technology. We need to start changing that message… If we do, we can use that to engage a whole new set of kids that might not have otherwise considered careers in engineering or science. I’d like to help change that conversation..and promote the idea of using technological innovating for the good of the planet… I know what I’m doing in classrooms is a way to start. but I’d like to find ways of helping push this further…I’m just not sure where to start… So why am I saying this here ?
Sometimes when you don’t know where to start.. the first step is just ‘putting it out there’.. for the cosmos to suggest something…
Hey cosmos.. I’m listening….any ideas appreciated….
and that goes for ideas from any of you reading this 🙂
OK.. enough for this weekend.. have a good week everybody.. Gnite Sam
ps. here are the backs of the videos the kids showed last night.. I just saw the samstone on the back of Angus’s ‘Get Some ____’ movie.. and Gabe made the front of Sam and Garret’s ‘It’s Geometry’ vid.. he’s the one that’s beeing held in the air..