Saturday night – Sugarbush

Really nice day.. Woke up early-ish (8:30) so that we could get Gabe to Sugarbush. there was a rail jam their today that he wanted to enter.. and he wanted to learn the course. As we were gettign ready to go, Deb and the kids called from Peru to say hi. They’re having a great time. They’re all working in an orphanage full of street kids who have been rounded up and placed there. They say the kids really need clothes . We’re goign to help them pull together a few boxes of kid and teen clothes.. (sweatpants, tee shirts, shorts, socks) and ship them down there. I’ll send out a post and bulliten on it. If you have some old clothes around.. please try and find them…

Anyway,  We got out of the house around 9:30.. and drove to Waitsfield. We dropped Gabe off..It was a mad house there.. tthis weekend is their 50th anniversary and the place was pretty packed. As soon as Gabe was settled, Diane and I escaped to Sugarbush East (also called Mt. Ellen) which hasn’t opened yet for the season. After askign around, Diane found a great Snowshoeing loop for us.  It was a beutiful.. and cold day to be outside.. I don’t think it got above 10 while we were out.. and we were outside from about 10 until about 4… The trail was marked with the Sugarbush log.. which reminded us of the bear scratches that we saw on lots of the trees.. 


. Judging by the thin crust on the snow. and the ice on the trees . they  must have gotten some freezing rain the other night. It was beutiful to see the sunlight glittering through the ice. 

It was a good ruggged trail which got our hearts and lungs pumping.. We found this cool upturned tree .. the roots looks like some sort of scuplpture.. so we put a Samstone in it..

We got back to sugarbush at 1:30.. the time the rail jam was to have started.. but it turns out they’d started early.

We were still able to catch a few of Gabe’s runs.. Here he is in the finals on the flat-down…

It was a good day for Gabe.. He place 3rd in the 15’s and under in a big field… and got some nice swag to show for it. We were really proud of him !. Double so because  he was putting himself out there on an unfamiliar mountain.

I guess he hadn’t gotten in enough boarding for the day.. He asked us to drop him off at Bolton on the way home.. !

Looks like it will be a quiet night… I’ll let you all know if anything interesting comes up. Just a reminder. Tomorrow is the Compassionate Friends’ Worldwide Candle Lighting.  . Please light a candle for Sam and other kids who have passed on tomorrow night at 7PM . If you think of it, take a picture of your candle burnign and send it to me and I’ll pos them here..

That’s it for tonight. Nite all.. Nite Sam !