Sunday night – sk8

Sunday night.. I just realize I’ve been sitting in the bathrooom for about 40 minutes reading email … I came in here to take a bath..

But sat here and worked while it got colder and caoder.. I desperately need to soak.. I’m covered head to toe with spackle and caulk..

Se spent nearly the entire day. sanding caulking., spakling, and patching in prep for the big paint job downstairs.   It was a good day to spend the day because I was feelign pretty low.. Manual labor keeps my mind off… my mind…

Diane and I did get outside once durign the day to walk the dogs.. we climbed up tot eh Richmond Cliffs… it really looks like fall from up there !

Not much else to report.. I did find these awesome Ska8board shots from our freind Penny.. She found the boys taking advantage of the Richmond bridge closure to do some serious   skateboarding. The Ramp gabe and I built is getting a good workout..

Speaking of workout.. every boan in my body seems sore.. I’m goign to take a lukewarm bath… ewwwww… Gnite folks.. Nite Sam.. we love you..

ps. Diane showed us this great rap from the Large Hadron Collider… It’s funny.. and very describptive.. Check it out !

Large Hadron Rap

Saturday night – unplug at the end of the day


It’s almost 1 on Sunday morning and I’m just sitting down to blog. I was busy all day with one project or another. I’ve just finished filling the nail oles on the molding we put up.. I ran out of Spackle.. so I had to call it a night.

I stuck a samstone in every void I had to patch.. it’s quite a time capsule now !

Actually, what made me really call it a night is when the Spackle I did have fell of the ladder and went ‘kersplat’

This house painting and prep  is a ton of work.. but it’s very satisfying. Diane mad a bunch of blank room templates that we’re colring in to find some paint colors..

Guess which one is Gabe’s ?!?

I spent most of the day over at Homers frantically working on the ‘Oriject-X’ monstor. It’s really coming together. Today we rebolted evreying, fixed all the wiring, mounted the legs to the base… and a ton of other refinments.. He stands and waves his arms very natureally now.. or at least natrually enough for a 17 foot monstor pumpkin guy.

Homer had also captured a walking stick.. we’re taking soem movies of him because we want to copy his movements in a pneumatic robot we’d both like to build.

Homer and I worked 9 hours straight to day on the project. We took a few minutes to go on a hardware run to Vergennes. While  there we dropped into the Fat Hen, Even M’ s wife’s place, for some food.  It’s a nice funky place.. with many strange mumper stickers on the wall.

 Somehow there we got to wondering how many grains of rice were in a cubic inch.  (any guesses ? )

We each did the counting..our own way.. but I did bisections, quadrasection, etc.. my count awas about 2100… Homr devided his up a different way and came out with a little less.. so.. it’s about 2000. Tha’s usfule info.. no ?

Hanging out with Homer down there is so much fun.. I learn something cool each time I go down to work.  He’s such an amazing thinker…

Well.. I gotta stop typing and begin sleeping.. I’m falling asleep as I type again.   It’s always hard to go straight from blogging to sleep.. I need to unplug a little first.. just like Homer’s milling machine..

Here’ I go.. g’nite folks.. more tomorrow. ‘Nite Sam !

Friday night – wordle

Not much to report today… so.. I’ll give you a pictorial review of my week. I  don’t know if you remember, but I once ran a whole year of my blog text into a thing called ‘many eyes’ and it drew a picture of the 704,000 words I wrote here last year. It was tricky to use.. but now those folks have made it easier to use.. (you can try it here)  Here’s my last nine days .the words that occurred the most often are the biggest.. . I think it sums it up pretty nicely.. … it was a week of ‘got’

OK.. I have circuits to solder.. More tomorrow. Nite all. Nite Sam !

Thursday night – Mom and dad’s


It’s about 1:30 AM and I just got home from Boston. I was able to skip out on a meeting tomorrow in Boston and get back home a day earlier.. I don’t like being away from Diane and Gabe this long.. It was a hard trip.. got lots done.. but pretty emotionally tiring

I had planned on staying with my folks tonight.. so.. even though I was able to go home tonight, I wanted to go and see them . I got there about 7L30 this evening after our meetings were over. My mom met me with the gift of a snake shaped gourd… is that cool or what ?

It was great seeing my folks.. I really enjoyed having them out with my work friends on Monday night. Tonight was a quick visit.. I helped my mom set up the new laptop she got for her birthday.. and helped her hook it up with the camera they got for their anniversary.. It was fun playing with new hardware…

I spent some time looking at pictures around their house.. they have so many pictures of my family.. its so nice and so sad..

Families are made of memories…

Time to sleep .. Gnite folks.. gnite Sam.. we all love you