Monday afternoon – happy 13th birthday Gabe !

Gabe turned 13 years old today.. that just blows my mind !. Our baby is a teenager !  … and a very cool person …

Here he is as a pre-teen yesterday… look at that boyish grin..

And here he is less than 24 hours later.. already deep in thought as a proto-grown -up

Seriously, I’m so proud of this kid.. ..  he works hard and does a great job at everything he takes on.. he’s so together. I love watching him grow..

We all got together around 4ish today to do the birthday thing..  We stuck Gabe on the birthday thrown and he opened his loot..

Hannah and Dave gave him this awesome new Talent shirt.

He got a new hoody.. perfect for a 90 degree day like today…

Max found the perfect hat for Gabe in NYC…   Gabe has such a great style !  He does color like noone else does color !

Then it was time for cake.. we lit the candle and welcomed Sam into the party..

Then lit the candles for Gabe.. The mouse cake was getting the consistency of  ice cream when it’s at that perfect slurping temperature..

Then came the song !… look at all those candles !

Gabe and Max are now out shooting each other with paintballs. I a little while we’re all going out for Sushi and then a movie (Ironman !)..   After that I drive to NYC overnight to catch a 7am plane to south africa.. but that’s another story

Happy birthday my beautiful Gabriel.. I’m so proud of you…

TTYL everyone.. TTYL sam.

saturday night – dog days

(grr.. my laptop has crashed three times while I’ve tried to blog.. I’m goign to make this short)

Ninety-three degrees … that’s what the car said right after Gabe’s lacrosse game in St. Albans.

That’s a full 25 degrees warmer than the same time yesterday./ They said it was going to get hot.. but I refused to believe it.. The weather folks do seem to nail the temperature even if they miss on rain and snow. It takes some of the fun out of guessing
   I go into a sort of walking hibernation whenever it gets over 75.. I don’t function too well. I try to move as little as possible. I can’t imagine how I ever survived so long in Houston.. but I did.  Poor satori is trapped in her fur coat.. It’s a blessing in the winter.. but she did a lot of panting today.. Look at that tongue

It was a very slow and low energy day.. in a very nice way.. after the lacrosse games I went and holed up in my lab because it was the coolest place by far on the homestead. I made use of the time to fix some of the casualties of my Seattle trip.   I had to completely rewire the theremin.. the weird musical instrument you play with your electric field.. It looks like it had either been trashed in shipping or someone tried to debug it by pulling it out of the box. All of the wires that hook it up were broken.

I got it rewired.. then realized that there was something more serious up.. After about 20 minutes of sleuthing I found out that the output amp chip. an LM386,  had been fired.. I foudn a replacement and voila !.. It worked. !!

I was on a role.. so I took apart the Tesla coil that had failed so unspectacularly during my talk in Seattle .. after the talk a bunch of students and I grabbed some test equipment that someone was demonstrating at the conference and used it to track down the likely problem. ,, a shorted IGBT output transistor.  It’s the third one from the left in this picture that was fried .. That $25 dollar transistor blew up in order to save the 15 cent diode right above it.. go figure.

Today I confirmed that diagnosis.. and gave it a transistorectomy.  I had  a few tense minutes after the repair when I realized I hadn’t completed a solder connection.. but when that was repaired .. victory .

I realize that I love debugging things like this almost more than I like building them/ it’s the ultimate crossword puzzle.. infinite possibilities.. only one right answer.  another thing which I marvel at is a way  my personality has shifted in the last year and a half since Sam’s passing. I manage to keep my work spaces.. here and at work clean and organized.. That may not sound like a big deal.. but you have to realize how much NOT that way I was for the first 46 years of my life.. I can’t quite fgure it out.. Just observing it though

We ended today with a nice quiet dinner with Jen and Tim.. it was so beautiful outside that we never turned on the lights.. we all sat there eating until we couldn’t see to eat anymore.. 

Nice day.. nice night… Good night all. Good night Sam !

Friday night – Sam Cohn Musical Soul Award

This morning was the annual awards ceremony at MMU..   That’s the day that the school  awards the Sam Cohn Musical Soul Award..   Any kid or teacher can nominate any other kid for the award. The winner gets to pick out a guitar of his or her choice at Advance Music. Diane, Max and I got up to MMU around 9 /It still feels so funny to look around these halls and know that Sam’s not waling down them anymore.

The whole school was down in the gym.. it was a great scene.. lots of awards for lots of cool talents.

Here’s Jake getting some sort of award for something.. all I know is that he was wearing his Sam shirt…

Maybe it was a music award… because here he is getting photographed with r. Pilsbury and Urion ..   Note sure.. but I do love his shirt !

Avry got soemthign too.. Maybe it was musical as well.. cuz here she is with M.. I mean Ms. Bauer.

Then it was time for the Sam Cohn Musical Soul Award.   The three of us walked up in front of all those kids..

Jen B. handed us the basket with the nominations in it.  Shes been so reat helping us get this going ! . Diane reached in and choose at random.. That’s how Sam gets his say !

It was a great choice.. We all choked up as Diane read the winning nomination .. It was our buddy Kasey… Unbelievable !.. Sam picked well. Sam and Kase have been buds for as long as I can remember. Sam was always at Kasey’s or Kasey and his bro were always at ours. I love those guys..

Max showed everyone the award with the video ‘s running. We’ll take a picture of Kasey and his guitar and put it on here. along with Meghan G.  from last year.. and all the guitar winners in years to come.

One cool thing is that there’s already a picture of Kasey on the plaque.. Here’s one of our pictures of Sam the Vampire with a much younger looking Kase.

It was such a great morning.. We went home feeling so good  about Kasey getting this guitare.. Sam’s spirit is still moving in this world !

On the way out we saw these posters for the Voices Movie premier (Now called ‘Shout it out’.. It’s cool to see Max;s name on the poster. I can’t wait to see the movie !

OK.. time to sleep.. Thanks to everyone who helped iwht the Sam Cohn Award.. good night everyone !  Gnite Sam !

Thursday night – pictures

I spent the evening finishing of the plaque that  Homer and Jen helped us build for the Sam Cohn Musical Soul Award at MMU. In the Musical Soul Award, we give away a guitar every year to someone who could use one. The contestants for the award have all been nominated by a friend or teacher. Tomorrow morning at 9AM we go to MMU and pick the name o the winner out f a hat. that way Sam gets to choose.   Last year Meghan G. won and  picked out a sweet electric. It’ll will be great to see who wins this year.

Tomorrow we’re bringing a plaque to remind  people of the award.. and bring a little of Sam in to the school.. The plaque has a small screen which will have a bunch of pictures of Sam.. I’ve spent the evening staring at these pictures.. I really like looking at them.. I think you all ill like them too:

what can you say after that. .. other than good night friends.. Good night Sam !