Happy Valentines day folks. Quite day here wiht my folks. Gabe was up at the mountain with our friend Eddie.. We got a nice Valentines day suprise when we found that someone hand left valentines day flowers on the Sam sculpture outside. Things like that mean so much to us !
Ma, Pa Diane and I went out for a couple of hikes today. it was sunny and wamrish.. It was good being in the fresh air. My folks are pretty game for anything outside.
We crossed the Hunnington and notice the ice had broken up and moved down stream.. I remember a few years back watching the break up/. it sounded like thunder.
Areound 4:30 Diane went up to pick up Gabe and Trevor and say goodbye to Eddie. Eddia nad his mom were up since last night checking out colleges. Eddie is a friend of Sam’s from High Cascade.. he’s also th guy that got Gabe and I into the backstage of the SnowScrapers event in NYC last week.. great guy.. and his mom’s a hoot , too !
Here’s Eddie with Gabe, Trevor and Diane.
TOnight My folks took Diane and Me out for a birthday dinner. We chose the Cider House in Waterbury in honor of my dad’s New Orleans hertage. They have Gumbo, Okra, grits. and all that good stuff from his youth. They also had a grat selection of hard ciders.. Yum !
It was a great evening !! Nice to be all together..
Well.. that’s about it for the day.. I have some deep thinking to do tomorrow.. so I’ll get off to sleep.. Good night everyone.. Happy valentines day.. Be my love,Sam
ps. Here are soem new pics I got today from Uwe and family from Manchu Pichu.. I think they were beutiful so I wanted to pass them along here. You can follow their travels at http://web.me.com/uwefassnacht