Saturday night – live the life you love

I forgot to write about this yesterday. Yesterday morningI had a vivid dream about Sam.. that doesn’t happen very much for me. He and I were sitting next to each other watching a movie. The movie was about the project I’m about to take on..  He gave me a big smile and told me that he thought it was cool and was proud of me for doing it. I remember patting him on the kneee. then I woke up.   I felt so good …

TOday was a really nice and peacedful day.. which is what I needed after this past hectic week. Gabe had a snowboard competition at Sugarbush. Diane and I took an hour and a half energetic snowshoe while we were waiting for Gabe’s runs. The snow was beutiful and very deep.. It was over my knees in many places.  Diane found this tree with natural snow ‘ornaments’ on it.. We put a Samstoen on top

I pushed my poles into the snow to show the depth.. and made a pumpkin face.. or radioactive symbol.. you choose.

On the way back to the car I was suprised to see this bumber sticker.. The funny thing is .. I saw this same sticker yesterday.. and thought it was talking to me… but I didn’t have a camera… so here it was finding me today !  Pretty funnty !

And… what’s more.. it was on a car with the Greatful Dead’s Europe 72 guy on it.. (the Cohn-head).. My very first record albunm.. OK.. maybe not that significant.. but I liked it.

We went up and wathed gabe.. His runs were very good. It was fun watching him and his cronies work the park. It was a beutiful day to be outside watching ..

WAfter the competition, we dropped gabe at the mountain and came hoem and worked around the house. I had a bunch of repairs to make before I dissapear.. Then Diane and I went to  Barnes and noble for me to ‘study’.. I skimmed every wilderness survival and inventing book in the store.. I didn’t learn much which was either good or bad.. we’ll see..

OK. I see my batteries are low.. Gotta send this before they go.. Tomorrow, Gabe and I finish attaching skies to a broken wheelchair to use for the Bolton pond  skimming event.. which I’m going to miss.. .. I’m goign to miss many things these next couple of months.. but I’m goign to have a balst.. I’m pretty sure..

OK.. That’s all for now.. Gnite all. Gnite Sam !

ps. My mom sent me this quote from Mark Twain ..It spoke to meP

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do then by the ones you did.  So throw off the bowline, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream. Discover.”

Friday night – loose ends

Today was insane.. I have so many loose ends to tie up before starting my leave. I have been working down to the wire to make sure meetings are covered, projects keep running letters are written, etc. I hardly had time to do the thing most important to me .. which was to say goodbye to folks. One special trip I took was to say goodbye to Vicki from the cafeteria. She’s been one of of my biggest supporters as I thought threough the pros and cons of taking on this special project. I had to go thank her for a special birthday present she and our firends Dixie and Leo ahd given me for my 50th.. a brand new set of lockpicks… hidden inside a box of rice krispies now less ! Now.. those are true friends !!!  Thak you so much you guys !

It REALLy felt wierd walkign out of the buidling today.. and knwoing I wouldnt be back for many weeks.. It felt wierder still when I dorve away and realized I had left my laptop insdie.. *sigh*.. no clean exists. That return gve me the time to go around and sy goodbyte to a few more good freinds , ron chris, todd, mark, matt, mitch, joyce. anita, david, norman, jason.. I was glad I got to see them all

Matt snapped this picture of me leaving my office.. Our offices are goign to move while I’m away. this one has been mine for abotu 3 years.. the toughest 3 years of my life..  I wonder where I’ll sit when I get back ?

I got home jus tabout dusk.. Diane and I took th dogs on a short walk up Catamount trail in the dark and snow. It was beutiful and peaceful

I had a ton of things to do tonight.. but I somehow fell asleep on the couch immediately after dinner. and slept th whole eveing away.. I guess htat’s what I needed. So many things to do in the next few days.. but all I fele liek doing is being wiht my family.

I’m getting very, very excited

And very very sleepy..
so .. That’s it for today.. More tomorrow. Nite folks !.. Nite Sam

ps. Gabe wanted me to post this picture of his talented talent decal work for our good friends at talent.. nice.. huh ?

wednesday night – driving s ow

Folkd… Sorry up front for what will be a short post from my phone. I’m at a rest stop on. I89.. I’ve been driving for about 8 snd s hslf hours with just under an hour more to go go. I’m on $y way back home from poughkeepsie after a couple of days of meetings. A really nice stay with my good friends bruce and mary beth and two good science shows for about 700 middle school kids at SUNY new palz. I’m really tired of driving…I’m also gerring really ezcited by my coming adventure.the snow seems to have let up so I’m going to get driving again. Much more tomorrow. Nite all$ nite sam!
