Hi John…
Today and tomorrow our days are filled with teeth. I had my teeth cleaned and Gabe went to get tests done for the orthodontist. Gabe also will get his teeth cleaned tomorrow and have some preventative fillers added to his back molars.
As I had my mouth open the hygienist said “I haven’t seen your husband in a while. Has he been traveling?”. What could I say? I said “oh is he overdue?”. Then I just let it go. I love those moments when I look at someone and just know I cannot possibly say more. Gabe had one this evening while I was in yoga. You had a call from the synagogue. I think you know who that may have been. Anyways, she asks Gabe when she could talk with you. He gave the normal answer…not this month nor the next. She then asked when would Gabe be talking with his Dad. He responded “well we don’t have communication right now”. Needless to say she slowly backs out of that conversation. You will have to do some re-connections when you return.
I had a lovely yoga class tonight. Gabe & I ate early because he had lacrosse at 7:30. We had veggie tacos. Both of us decided never again to eat early. Gabe had a great first practice at CHMS. That will be the only time lax will be at our end of town. The rest are at Mills Rivers Park.
I was listening to the radio over the weekend and a show had a chef from “Greens” in San Fransisco on. I felt so special to know that we ate there. Did we enjoy it? I do remember dashing off to the airport. I’m glad Leah and Larry got to eat slower.
For some reason I woke up at 4:44. That is the second time this week I woke up at that number. Not sure what that means other than I am tired right now. I am off to sleep. Hope you sleep well. love…d