Teeth Day

Hi John…

Today and tomorrow our days are filled with teeth.  I had my teeth cleaned and Gabe went to get tests done for the orthodontist.  Gabe also will get his teeth cleaned tomorrow and have some preventative fillers added to his back molars. 

As I had my mouth open the hygienist said “I haven’t seen your husband in a while.  Has he been traveling?”.  What could I say?  I said “oh is he overdue?”.  Then I just let it go.  I love those moments when I look at someone and just know I cannot possibly say more.   Gabe had one this evening while I was in yoga.  You had a call from the synagogue.  I think you know who that may have been.  Anyways, she asks Gabe when she could talk with you.  He gave the normal answer…not this month nor the next.  She then asked when would Gabe be talking with his Dad.  He responded “well we don’t have communication right now”.  Needless to say she slowly backs out of that conversation.  You will have to do some re-connections when you return.

I had a lovely yoga class tonight.  Gabe & I ate early because he had lacrosse at 7:30.  We had veggie tacos.  Both of us decided never again to eat early.  Gabe had a great first practice at CHMS.  That will be the only time lax will be at our end of town.  The rest are at Mills Rivers Park.

I was listening to the radio over the weekend and a show had a chef from “Greens” in San Fransisco on.  I felt so special to know that we ate there.  Did we enjoy it?  I do remember dashing off to the airport.  I’m glad Leah and Larry got to eat slower.

For some reason I woke up at 4:44.  That is the second time this week I woke up at that number.  Not sure what that means other than I am tired right now.  I am off to sleep.  Hope you sleep well.  love…d


Quiet Weekend

Hello John!

It has been a few days since I last wrote.  I really didn’t have much to say.  It was a very quiet weekend.  Gabe made his way to Bolton every day.  He was very pleased with some of his last runs.  He still is hitting the features and not kicking back yet.  Next weekend is the last. 

Saturday night Gabe & I went to Sakura’s for sushi.  We both had been wanting it lately.  Also, it was to celebrate my birthday.  April 1st he hopes to go to Bolton dressed for National Gapper Day so we will not have sushi that night.  I guess Gapper Day is when skiers/riders try to dress in the 70’s clueless skiers attire.  The real problem is he is using some of my clothing.  Does that give you a idea as to how out of fashion I may be.  I can’t help it if I have not grown out of or ripped some clothing.  No reason to get new stuff.  However when your kid wears your stuff to try and look foolish I guess I should upgrade my look.

I had a fun weekend being with friends Marcia, Jill and some new friends also.  I good time at Jill’s house. 

This morning I took the dogs on the river shore trail and tried to see if all the ice had melted.  On the trail there were just a few little spots left.  Along the river there were still blocks of ice.

Not to go into gory details…Max and friends let their apartment go.  There had been issues about work being completed before they pay rent.  It was just best to let that go.  They are out looking again.  That is a tough job to get 4 people to see an apartment, go to school and work.  I’m sure they will manage. 

I gave the dogs a bath today.  Chai really needed it.  Satori still feels a little wet when you get your fingers down into her fur.  She has such think hair.  They were good…or course feeding them cheese and sandwich meat while bathing always helps.

I had a hard time making real progress on anything this weekend.  It felt like a lazy haze fell over the house.  Part was getting Gabe out when he planned on leaving…and I also had more driving then usual.  I did weed the berry patch.  Can you believe I did that on March 27th?  Amazing.

Good night John.  I am off.  love to you…d   



Hi John…

Here comes the rain.  Today was the first day that I thought that there may be no more snow coming down and winter has ended.  I’m not sure if that is the case being here in Vermont.  It just was the warmth that I felt today.  This felt like April showers a week early.

The morning was spent in yogaville.  Today was the last class for my toddler group.  The teen class will be ending soon also due to lacrosse.  Spring in Vermont means yoga of the outside.  We are in transition.

IBM has announced a possible 5000 layoffs in the company.  I am not sure when they will begin.  I know you will be sad not to be here for that.  It will be important for you to talk with friends and help whomever head towards another job.  You are so good at networking.  That is a skill that facebook or myspace have gotten better at…yet you have the human touch. 

Transitions…they are happening everywhere.  State workers are being asked to take a pay cut to keep the layoffs low…students are protesting cuts…UVM has lost baseball and softball…on and on.  I know it is painful for some folks.  It is hard to go to bed at night and wake the next day to find your job or house  on the way out.  Our country and community continues to feel the burden and change.  I understand.  It is the loss of control that makes the situation harder.  It also is this that shows that we should not take it personally.  This change will hurt however I believe it is necessary and will produce a better place.  Maybe I am just optimistic or hopeful.  It is important to keep things in perspective.  Job, houses, locations can change.  Hmmm enough talk.

Gabe had a half day today and one tomorrow.  This afternoon was spent at Bolton.  He is squeezing the last bit out of the snow there.  He too feels the change in the season.  It is hard to transition to lacrosse when there is still snow in the mountains.  He participated in a Rail Jam for a little girl named Molly.  It was a fundraiser to help raise funds for her lymphoma treatment.  I was glad he did it.

I did my thousand errands this afternoon.  It was kinda fun.  I was very efficient.  I had fun delivering some of the Arbonne products to friends.  It was good catching up with them  This evening I took the dogs out before the rains came again.

Tonight I watched the “Twilight” movie.  Not as good as the book.  I had to read the book because all of the girls in Gabe’s class have been reading it.  I love a good vampire book.  This has all the elements of prince charming except this dude has fangs.  I also love it that this family has the last name of “Collins”.  I don’t think this age group gets the connection to Barnabus Collins.  The author must have enjoyed that element.

Time for bed.  There will be no dreams of vampires although it’s nice to know we are immortal in spirit.  I love that.  Good night.   love…d     

New Apartment!

Hey John…

Max called today and all went well with the lease and they have a new apartment beginning in April.  I guess it is closer to campus and a little cheaper.  The rooms are nicer for all of them.  They also have some leeway in moving in which is good. 

The dogs went for their 100,000 mile check up today.  They got shots, gave blood and others fluids not needed to say right here.  Healthy and happy dogs. 

My day was a normal Wednesday.  I  went to CHMS for an hour then onto RES for my kids yoga class.  Cute kids and spring fever was high.  Lots of energy.  Gabe went to Bolton in 50 degree weather and sunshine.  They stayed until 8:00. 

Me…I am tired.  I have to go to bed.  I think I am tired because Satori needed to go out at 1:30 for some reason.  After that it is hard for me to get back into a deep sleep.  I am off to read then sleep.

Early goodnight to you John.  love…d