Hi John…
It is late. I was out for a meeting and need to get to bed. No pictures today…the camera is taking too long to load. I guess it wants to go to bed also.
Nice last day of vacation for Gabe. He went up to Bolton on a sunny crisp (4 degrees at the top) day. It was beautiful and had nice powder. He got quite a bit of snowboarding in this break. The weather had been perfect for riding. I keep expecting Spring temperatures yet it is still quite cold. It is -1 as I write.
I had a few talks with friends today about dentists. I really think dentists are the unsung heroes of present time. Okay there are many heroes. But just think about how far dentistry has come…and how no one really makes a bit deal about the value that they add to our lives. To think that I had a broken tooth and in a half of day I walk out with it repaired. Just think how valuable that would have been 200 years ago. Yes, I know Little Shop of Horrors is what people think about and make fun of…talk about a missing ad campaign. The technology is amazing and the skill level of the technicians is superb. Still, no on likes to sit in the chair and having your mouth open is intrusive.
I had fun trying to decide what to do while my mouth was open. At first I thought “do I try and be in the moment?”. No, that went out quickly. I don’t know many marathoners who relished being in the total moment feeling each step of their feet and every breath they take. Yikes…that would be a long run. I then looked upward and to the side. I remembered reading somewhere that by doing that eye position you lessen your experience of trauma. That got boring. I then would look at his arm moving and make my eye cross a bit and morph the size of his arm. That was the most fun. Then I looked at the stucco type ceiling and wondered about painting it and could I find shapes in it. I also practiced relaxation techniques starting at my feet. I never got past my knees…and I tried a few times. Then I tried to find all my bones and just relax them. At that point he was done and I never really settled on what I would do. I had fun trying yet have no real suggestions as to how to pass the time while your mouth is gaping open.
I went to Marcie today. Yeah. She helped unstuck my jaw. She is awesome. We had fun talking.
I then stopped in at Town Meeting to vote at 2:00. They were still going strong. Wow. Democracy at work. I know you like going. I think you would have enjoyed today. It really isn’t for me. I am so thankful that others are passionate and interested in town politics…or just in the workings of the town. Thank you to all that make a difference in Richmond. I appreciate it.
Sleep well John. love…d