Hey John….
Thank you for all the goodies that came my way from you. Jleigh dropped off some beautiful tulips and daffodils. The daffs will be out any day now. It was good seeing Jleigh. She is growing her hair out for locks for love and that is a true act of love because she dislikes having long hair. Also from you I received my birthday package from Marcie. Thank you! You are so thoughtful. I did truly love the poem you sent me via Shane. It is more important than you know right now.
My birthday morning was quiet and nice. Gabe slept in due to feeling crappy yesterday. He did feel better to take a few hours on the mountain with Trevor to celebrate National Gaper Day. Here is a picture of those weirdos….
After dropping them off I went to see Marcie. It was so good to have her Reiki hands back on me. So relaxing. She also gave me a bag of goodies…lots of chocolate and a neck cozy to heat up in the microwave.
After Marcie’s stop I went straight to my after school yoga class in the elementary school. Those kids are so cute. They really liked knowing it was my birthday and the number 49 surprised them. They gave up on “are you one? …are you two?” at number 16. I shared my candy with them and some how word got down the hall and a cake arrived for me with a singing trio. Apparently there had been a fundraiser and a cheesecake was left over so I got it. That was so nice since I was not interested in a cake this year.
Back home and more flowers arrived. My Mom & Dad sent a beautiful bouquet and Patti & Family sent 5 beautiful flowers. Kathy also dropped off some of her award winning butter crunch. I refuse to open it because it would soon disappear. Oh, the morning began with Jen dropping off a dish (handmade by her) of pansy’s with a SamStone in the center. That was so special. Your parents are getting me a Jasmine plant in a few weeks, once the green house gets their shipment in. I had phone calls and drop-bys. I feel loved.
The evening was quiet and filled with many phone calls. Kristin dropped off Gabe and they stayed to eat cake with us.
Oh and Gabe managed to get me some flowers to plant in the garden. I think Kristin and Barbara helped the plan & execution of that gift.
I did also talk with Max several times today. He is in the midst of another apartment venture. Hope this works for him.
Well a great day sending and receiving love all around. I know Sam was not too far away and some how cosmically knew it was my birthday. Even though you are not here I also feel connected to you. It’s nice to know that physical contact is not always needed to connect with someone. Much love to you John. Thanks for your part in my fool’s birthday. love…d