Sunday night – power failure

First of all.. Sorry to anyone who couldn’t read yesterday’s post.. For some reason Myspace is marking some of my posts as ‘preferred readers only’ ,. You’re all preferred to me..  so not sure what the distinction is. I went back and cleared it up… I think

I’m definitely feeling much better today. My fever broke last night.. I just felt washed out today… Whatever I had, it was a doozy..   I started getting serious cabin fever after som many days laying low. The dogs decided to take me on a walk   they were pretty happy to get out.. .

The beuty of this almost summer day helped clear my head of the fog that had settled there…   It reminded me of the Wendell Berry powem that so many folks sent us after Sam’s passing.. It’s on our fridge right now..


Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting with their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry

One cool thing about today, all of the cotttoonwood (do we even have cottonwood here ?) trees were launchjing their seeds today. Alll day long it looked as though it were snowing… all you had to do was wave your hands and you could catch tufts of these light downy seeds

It was hard to capture the snow effect on camera .. but it was pretty amazing in real life. !

Late afternoon I paid a quick visit to our freind Dan’s new home and work project. The Long trail Community Market. Dan is opening up a community market and communal kitchen in the old Jonesville Store. He’s got some great ideas.. He also has a GREAT blog that you can read here. Do check it out !

THere are some really creepy things still hanging around that store..

Late afternoon dDiane and I droopped in on a graduation party for several of our friends.. It was a beitiful evening.. .. It was great congratulating the kids and seeing some of our firriends. Graduation is always an interesting time.. it reminds you
how quickly time passes…

We got home to find the power off on our whole road.. Diane quickly lit some candles …It was kind of cozy… except that all of our frozen food from the grocery store was starting to melt.. It eventually came back on.

Right befor ebed, gabe helped me make a better header picture for my Rainbow Headband Instructables contest entry.. This LED contest is for anything with a blinking LED.. go check the contest  out.. there are some really cool things there..  You can even vote for the ones you like !.

OK folks.. gotta run.. for the next 3 nights I have work meetings from 11:45PM till 3AM with some freinds who are in India..  Gnite folks.. Gnite Sam