Greetings from Poughkeepsie NY. I’m down here for a couple of days of work meetings and a meet up with Diane and Max in NYC tomorrow night or Tuesday. Diane and I spent a good portion of the day working with Homer, Mike David and Chris on assembling the first wheel of the time cycle. After a couple of hours of grinding and banging we managed to get the whole thing to slip together. Homer has done an amazing job of designing this wheel.. it’s a thing of beauty. Around 3:30 we’d managed ot gt the struts on, the rims locked in and the spokes tightened to the point that the thing was pretty tight. David got the forklift and we all held our breath as he hoisted the thing up to vertical
Around 9 I made it to the homes of more old friends Bruce and Mary Beth.. We went out for a late dinner and talked about family, eating rats and work.. not too much about work… but engouhg. Bruce has always been oe of my best work mentors..