friday night – dependence day

Very cool day. Started off with a run in the wet woods. My folks were up so we started off with anoter  wet walk in the woods…. and then another.. I’m getting kinda soggy 

It rained on and off.. so we did a bunch of just hanging out. My niece Betsy.. came up with my folks as well. It’s very good to have her up visiting. Here she is showing grandma how to use facebook..

Ma had the honor of picking the years first head of broccoli !

Still raining.. so Diane. Mom and I decided to cut up the soap that Diane and I made earlier in the week.

Shortly after that, there was a break in the rain. Gabe. Kristin. Betsy and I deceided to take advantage of the brief let up to tube down the Huntington river. Diane dropped us off at triple buckets with our intertubes. It started raining again just as we got down to the river. The river was so high and fast because of the rain.. it was pretty cool  going in. We launched in and immediately got shot down the river, bounced off of rocks, pulled under trees.. It was like the best log ride you’ve ever been on.. By that time it was raining and thundering pretty hard.. By the time we got down to the lower gorge we were freezing and tired.. but happy. it was only about a 15 minute ride.. but ti was fast and crazy. We got out with the idea that I’d run home and get a car.. but wouldn’t you know thewre was Diane.. she’d read our minds. Is she amazing or what ?

We came home shivering then jumped in the nice heated  pool to warm up ..

I came inside and warmed up.. then grabbed my mom and took her down to the South End of burlington to see my friends at pine street studio. They’re getting ready for the iron pour next weekend. I’m hoping to make another piece this year.. I gotta think of something that would be cool to make in iron.. Any ideas ?   It was good to see Yolk. Christina and Elijah there. Elijah comes up from New Orleans every year to do this event.   Here’s the home made furnace we’ll use to melt the iron.

Mom and I came back home.. we all ate. then we all piled back in the car and drove back down town. We’d been invited to watch the fireworks from the Echo center.. which is probably the best perk of being on the baord at Echo. We had front row seats to to burlingtons firewroks.. it was raining.. but still a great night for a show..

These were soem of the most amazing fireworks I’ve ever seen !!!

They went on for nearly 40 minutes.. as they ended, we filed out of echo.. .. As I wlaked out, soemone tapped me on the sholder and IT WAS MAX !.. he’d come in from NY just to suprise us !. Jessie was there too.. It was so wonderful seeign those guys !!!!

Yow.. It’s almost 1AM.. time to sleep.. More fireworks tomorrow !!!  see you at the parade. Nite all, Nite Sam

The Colony – Premieres Tuesday July 21st @ 10pm E/P

Wow.. this is already getting pretty freaky. All day long I heard from folks that they saw the trailer for The colony on Discovery.  It’s a short 15 second clip that shows some moments from the first episode. There’s a few pictures of me  though I can’t quite figure out what I’m doing in the shots.

It’s really wonderful seeing my friends in these clips. I like that my

old freinds can sort of ‘meet’  my new freinds now. It’s hard to

explain how close the ten of us got in the course of the two months of

filming. Let me tell you.. you don’t know someone until you’ve spent 58

days with them in a place with no electricity, no water.. and no

sanitation.  The 10 of us are talking all the time these days in the

lead up to the start of the show. I’d like you to meet them all:

Old friends, meet my new friends, New friends meet old friends.. I love you all.. (and there’s not a thing you can do about it.. as new friend George would say)

OK.. gotta go now..nite all,  nite Sam

Tuesday night – sometimes spacey man

OK.. it’s official. An early website for our TV show The Colony just appeared on Discovery’s web site today . The show will premier at 10PM on Tuesday July 21st right after ‘Deadliest Catch’. It will run for 10 weeks. he web site is definitely a work in progress, but there’s some cool stuff in there. The bios in particular are a hoot. . I’m glad to see that I’m only spacey ‘sometimes’ . I’m not sure what else I’m allowed to say at this point other than .. watch the show. I’m nervous and excited to see how it comes out. It’s goign to be a wild ride !

I love you all.. Love you Sam