My deep apologies… again.. it’s now 1 AM and I have had only 7 hours or so of sleep inthe last 2 days. I have so many pictures and stories from the last two days that if I start to write them now.. I’ll be awake for another hour.. and I just can’t stay awake for that… I promise (!!!) that I’ll get all the photos in tomorrow and catch up with the day.
For now.. let me go back to yesterday and the panel we did at USC. It’s customary at these things to hand out coomment cards so the audience can make anonnymous or signed comments and questions abotu the event. I understand that We got some good feedback on the content of the paenl.. I haven’t seen that yet.. Bt they did just send me this .. It’s a pen drawing that one of the audience members did of us o his comment card.. .. Pretty amazing..
I wonder what interesting alternative feedback we would get if we had the reverse of here, ie. a panel of movie and media types in fornt of an audience of engineers .. ?
top left to bottom right this is Melissa the anthropologist, me, Richard the USC graphics prof, Don the atom mover, Winfried the physicist-sailor-pilot-battery maker, and Tom the shwarzenegger anointed inventor-teacher
OK.. sleep beckons, Again, I promise to catch up with a long blog tomorrow …
Nite all.. Nite Sam !