I was on the phone 8AM until 6PM without even a break for lunch, yet when I left for the day I was feeling refreshed and energized.. I got half way ome trying to figure out why I felt so jazzed after what should have been a grueling day.. Then I realized what I’d been doing all day. 8 of my 16 meetings (yes.. 16 !) today had to do with my day job. Pretty interesting stuff these days. especially some of the new stuff I’m focusing on.. The other 8 meetings.. were about mentoring and advice.. That is .. me acting as the grizzled Yoda character and some young person who’s twice as smart as me comes and asks for my advice on job, career, school, etc. .. I grunt occasionally and make a few nonsensical remarks.. then they thank me profusely and hang up. I’m not sure why suddenly my advice–giving numbers are up. I suppose it’s because it’s near the end of the year and everyone;s under stress.. or feeling philisophical as the holidays roll around. Maybe it’s because I’m enjoyign my work much more these days and folks can smell it on me ? I don’t think the advice I give is always that good.. but what I can say is that giving advice makes one feel better. It’s funny how working on someone else’s troubles makes your own seem less important.. It’s also so true that it’s easier to work on someone else’s issues than your own. I’m not so sure exactly why.. but I have to say I’m grateful for the opportunity.
That’s it for tonight.. get back to work …. may the force be with you.. !
Nite friends.. nite Sam