I’m writing frm the relative comfort of a parking lot in beautiful poughkeepsie NY. I’m down here for a 25th work anniversary party for my good friend bruce . It’s amazing that I know folks (like me) who’ve had the same job for a quarter century or more.. I couldn’t not come..
GIven that I spent most of the day in the car coming down..a nd on th e phone.. not much new to report here. I have a few pictures from the last couple of days.. lemme see what they are..
Ahh. heres a cool Hawk I saw on my way to work yesterday.. .. I actually turned the car around and went back to watch this guy.. so regal.. so cool.. and so tiny in my crappy camera..
Well.. my ever loving mother saaw the post.. and being the sweet person she is, didn’t want to see me dissapointed.. so .. she called Sparkfun the next day and poitned them at my blog post. And they figured out form there what i was trying to order (parts for a talking blood alchohol meter I want to build.. don’t ask) .. then Mom ordered the parts for me.. isn’t that awesome..
Thanks Mom .. I love you ! You are amazing..
Nite all. nite Sam