in our life ? Well maybe, but I mean that that’s what I did this
afternoon.. .. clean slate.. as we helped our friend Chris prepare
pieces of slate shingles for sandblasting..
makes these things into beutiful ornaments He’s getting them ready for
the Vermont Artisanans Open Studio day and needed a few eextra hands..
My job was to use an air hose to blow off any chips of slate before their masked for sandblasting.
was so cool watching the thin sheets of slate come flying off under the
force of the air hose. Each of those sheets represented a layer of mud
sediment layed down on he bottom of soem body of water eans ago.. how
cool is that ?
Gabe worked on applying the rubber masks that pattern the sandblasting.
Gabe is really good at this sorty of fine work..
showed us the jar of used exacto blades he’s gone through over the
years.. He says that every one he’s every used is in either this jar or
an even larger oe he has in his shop !
Gabe and I worked with Chris on the rocks, Diane helped Kim weed one of
their many gardens.. It felt good to be useful !..
It’s always
cool visiting chris and kim.. they have soe much interesting stuff..
here’s Chris’s artistically done firewood stacks
his current in construnction sculpture project, mineral springs II.
It’s a beutoiful copper and brassfoot treadle poered shower. It’s
really amazing
nite all, night Sam