The big news of the day was the magnitude 5.5 earthquake that rolled throguh the region at 1:44 this afternoon. I was on a conference call when my whole office started shaking. It was SO cool.. I guess it was centered somewhere in Candada.. but it was plenty strong here.
Here’s a Seismometer reading soemone posted fro somewhere in Canada.
I got home around 6 in time for us to meet Peggy. Jen and Tim for dinner.. Peggy is moving back to Ohio now that Devon has graduated. Devan will be at the niversity o fMontana.. (with several others from his MMU class).
We’re really goign to miss Peggy.. she’s been a bright, kind presense in our lives these past four years.. she’s wonderful !
Holding this in my hand was somehow harder for me than the graduation itself.. I was sitting there crying and both dogs came over to make me feel better.
I welcomdme all the emotions..Nite folks.. nite sam
ps here’s a birdbath that Gabe helped make at chris’s the other day. He’s gettign to be quite a stone artist ! I liek having this on our sam rock in the garden.