Didja ever have on of those days when you just felt completely out of the loop ? Today was like that.. I seemed to be about 4 steps behind everyone else.. we’d been reorganized at work.. I was the last to know.. The project dates had slipped.. again..by a month no one told me. I went to meet my l8unch meting… wrong day.. Then, after I returned to work to eat my lunch.. I ran into my friend M… I asked her about our mutal friend G.. how was he ? I heard he was retiring.. We talked for about 10 minutes until M looked at me blankly and said.. “I married G almost 2 years ago”… man .. am I am just the last to know ! (but.. i gotta say this news just made me SO happy.. they were made for one another !)
I just heard that man landed on the moon 41 years ago today…
nobody told me !
nite folks.. nite sam