Saturday night – lint

Ahhhh… a day at home … a rare thing .. my first act was to clean the lint trap for our  dryer.   Diane pulled this chink of lint from the outlet a few days back.. including 3 guitar pics.. which must date back to Sam…

After seeing this, I realize how dangerous this was.. evidently, dryer lint fires are one of the leading causes of hours fires..

George helped by filming me….   I pulled a colony by duct taping our pool vacuum house to our shop vac

climbed to the dryer vent..

opened up the vent

and… suck .. it was so full of gunk !!!!

Next step was to clean up from our destroyed bathroom window..  .. yuck..

Later in the day Diane. George, the dogs and I drove out to Priscilla and Tim’s they were just back from a mushroom hunt.. check these out..

We had only 2 hours.. so we took a short road walk in the beautiful fall weather

Tim. kept getting distracted by mushrooms.

uhhhhhh… not sure about this one..

We stopped at Huntington gorge to show George. It was way past flood stage.

We ended the day by attending an acapella concert Avery was singing in.. We got there to find out that Owen and Claire were also singing !!!

> I’m sleeeeeepy.. time for bed. More tomorrow !
nite all.. nite Sam

Friday night – flood

Just got in from a 7 hour drive back from NY. Had a good-ish meeting down there today..
but down and back 700 miles in 24 hours is just no fun. The high points were seeing max and Ruchir and family.
   One thing I missed while gone was an epic flood here in Vermont. I talked to Diane at 6:30 this morning and she told me that the wind was so strong last night that it blew off the bathroom window. She found it smashed to pieces on the ground.   Today the water was so deep that it covered several of the roads out of our house.. The running trail and the field across from us are underwater. Bridge Street in Richmond was shut because the riverwas flowing over it.. Diane and Gabe called me on my drive home to tell me that the water flowing over Bridge street at the park was deep enough that there were actually fish in it !
   Hmmmmm..aside from the flood, I don’ think I have anything else to report.. hope that’s ok.. it’s gonna have to be..

nite all , nite sam