Sunday night – nice sized party

As promised.. here are some pictures from last nights party. I’m writing from the ‘bowhouse’ suite on Max’s boat.. and the internet is a little wonky.. so I’ll have to be  a little brief..

We spent most of yesterday setting up for the Halloween party. We’d decided to have the party a week early which contributed to this being the smallest Halloween party we’ve had

in some time. probably about 150 people..  maybe  200 people at peak..

that turned  out to be much more manageable than the 350 or so we had

last year.  This year we got a chance to talk to many more folks.. which

was really nice/

The day began with pumpkin carving. .

Then it was time for costum making.. Gabe went as ‘lil wayne’.. Max’s GF Jack (who’s awesome) did ‘Lil Gab’es ink’.. true to the designs Lil Wayne’ has.

Just before the party . Diane and I took a quick pass to check out that all was ready.

Then.. prompt;y at 7//a zillion folks showed up. .I was ‘double rainbow (OMG, OMG !). I’d worked out a very cool led rainbow thing.. only to destroy it twice.. I opted for a simpler EL wire light up design.. more subtle.. but adequate.  Diane was a very cure busy bee.. and she buzzed around all night keeping things moving..

Max and Jack were Lobsta’s

Kristin and Katy were The candy bar twins..

Andrea showed up with her new baby !

Rj ?!

Here’s betsy.. you know.. if I label everyone.. it’ll take me all night.. here are a ton of friends in funny costumes !

Sam was on everyone’s mind.. as always.. we miss you my son..

Around 11:30/ jeff had just opened a bottle of homemade and very yummy dandeine wine when we heard a crash..

Very long story., but.. a kid had evidently stolen a car somewhere in the next town. and had driven it at high speed around our corner.. he’d ‘d ended up hitting one of the cars parked at our party/ he got out and abandoned the car. in the middle of the road. . and ran…

We called the policewho came and eventually managed to get the cars towed.. we’re not sure they ever found the guy

Anyway.. the whole thing put a pretty quick end to the party just before midnight..  A funny end to a really nice evening.. no one was hurt.. never a dull moment.. eh ?

We all went inside and started cleaning up we’d had quite a nice haul for the food shelf // many folks brought a donation..

Well.. that was the party.. really nice..  
now.. time for me to sleep. more tomorrow..

nite everyone.. nite sam.. we sure felt you at the party !

Saturday night – partied out

     We’re down to a half dozen people.. our 2010 Halloween party has would down..
Lots of stories and pictures… and I can’t stay awake enough to tell them now. I’ ve fallen asleep every time I’ve started..

   I hope it’s alright with everyone.. but I’m going to have to write about it tomorrow. Right now.. I gotta go a back to sleep.. So.. more on the party tomorrow.
Nite for now..
nnite sam


Friday night – middle aged eyes

@$^ #&$^*&#$ ! $&#&)#$_)(@ !!!!!!!
There are many indignities of middle ages.. I’ve face most of them with grace and dignity.. but the one thing I absolutely HATE is wearing glasses. 3 times this week I’ve tried to solder some small connections on a project I’ve been working on.. and three times I’ve failed to make the connection. I can take creaky joints in the morning.. I revel in the moments of forgetfulness that come on my more often now.. I even embrace my crazy thinning gray hair..  but I hate, hate., hate not being able to see well enough to solder..

Anyway.. all evening we’ve  been prepping for the Halloween party tomorrow night. If you’re local to Vermont.. please try to stop by tomorrow around 7.

OK.. back to soldering…… that is.. if I can find y !@^&^#$ glasses.
nite guys.. nite sam

Thursday night – heart strings

So.. worked at home today.. caught up on huge email backlog, and took calls while I helped move furniture in prep for our party Saturday night (are you coming ? )
FInally sitting down at around 8:30 to relax.. I picked up one of our old acoustic guitars.. It’s been missing a G string for years.. I’v ebeen playing it anyway.. I got up and started looking for a new string.. I found the bag… in it.. classical guitar strings .. Sams, .. electric Bass strings.. probably Sam’s.. electric guitar strings.. likely Sam’s.. a few bags of light gauge bronze  martins.. with the G string already poached.. sam.. no doubt.. I held the bag like it was a wierd sort of talisman .. I almost held it up to my ears on the chance there were a few more strands of sam’s music left in there.. but it didn’t.. it felt funny to do that.    I found an odd matched  G string and went over to the guitar.. it was missing the peg I needed to replace the missing string. That actually made me kinda glad.. I’m not sure.. but the current set on this old washburn might still have been sams.. can’ be sure.. but they’re getting crusty and grimy in only the way they can get after many years.

   Should I resting the whole guitar ? What do i do with  the old strings ? Throw them away ? Burn them ? bury them ? melt them down.. ? Maybe there shoudl be special lanfills for things that are near relics..

all I do know is that when I restring that guitar it will be my clumsy picking.. not sam’s smooth blues and classical..    where do I get a spare for that ?

note folks.. nite sam