Wedensday night – back home

Just back from a very cool meeting in albany. learned lots.. met several folks I thought I knew, but actually never had met face to face. No matter what anyone says.. you really can’t work with people effectively until you’ve met them face to face, brainstormed with them and drank a beer (or wine or soda or coffee) with them.
   Since I can’t go into work here.. not much more of the last day and a half that I can relate here..
   Looking forward to the next few days of being home We’re getting ready for our Halloween party this Saturday.. If you’re local to us.. and haven’t gotten and invite.. please let me know on this blog.. or on facebook and I’ll get you one. We are looking for help in set up and clean up if you have the time..

speaking of time.. it’s late.. time for bed.. more later ..

night all, night sam

Monday – union

I’m down in Albany at a work thingy.. on the way down here I gave two talks at union college.. The first bombed.. the second was fantastic. What makes one talk go poorly.. and the next one go splendidly (I like the word splendidly) . ?  I was passionate about both topics.. I knew my material cold  for both.. I did fund demos and told funny stories in oth .. . Perhaps I misjudged my audience in the first.. I was talking to kids about getting other kids interested in science.. Maybe they were too close ?
  I don’t know.. all that I know is that really empty feeling of being half way through a talk .. all eyes on you.. and you just know that you’re sucking big time..   You can’t gracefully just stop.. thogh perhaps that would be better than continuing.. maybe the est thing to do in a circumstance like that is to reach for the fire alarm and jump out a window.
   Whatever the cause of the first fiasco the second could not have gone better.. for which I’m grateful. it seems there’s some karmic scale somewhere only allowing me to suck as much as I win..
   Oh well.. we live and learn..
now time for sleep.. tomorrow’s a usy day..

nite all, note sam !

Monday afternoon – The Monkey Bible Project

Hey friends..  our friend Jamie just did this video as part of the Monkey Bible Project. The MPB is a project of Mark Laxer that explores spirituality from many different angles. Please take a look at this video of me.. and check out the others here.

The Story Project Episode 4: The Mad Scientist from The Monkey Bible Project on Vimeo.

Yikes.. Gotta run.. too much to do..
more tomorrow.
G’day folks.. g’day Sam

ps. funny blogging in mid afternoon !

Saturday night – 80s to 80s

Peaceful day at home with Diane.. though a it preoccupied with work and other projects..

We went out for a rainy walk midday and there were still signs of last nights early snowfall around

the woods were wet form the rain and the streams were flowing like mad !

around 2 we walked over to Bar’s hose for neighbor janet’s 80th birthday celebration. Janet watched all three of our kids at times.. she loved them all. and they loved her back .

Janet’s twin sister Janice was also there.. her birthday too !

the party was a combined birthday thanksgiving , Christmas celebration.. or birthankmas !

here’s janets husband pat.. a local legend.

barb’s daughter jamie and her friend steve.

nicole came bye with her brand new baby tyrone.

Janet and son Mike

Ashley with baby tyrone.

here;s the cake.. 80 cupcakes.. took lots of folks to light it !

we took off form janets after happy birthday was sung.. we picked up max, washed up.. then took off for Hannah’s party. Today Hannah is celebrating 9 years since she fractured her skull by falling off a latter. She was in a coma for 12 day then ice for 5 more…   tonight was all about celebrating her recovery from that ordeal…  She got serenaded by Aaron our waiter.. he could REALLY sing !

Hannah’s sisters sent champagne..

also at the party were andrew and adj. lotto and andy and jamaica.. Jamaica has started a really cool giving program called . You use it to organize group gifts.. and the gifts can be charitable. Andy and Jamaica set up an Inlu donation in honor  of Hannah’s recovery to the Sam Cohn Foundation. It’s such a cool idea.. I’ll send out a link to the donation site as soon as I can find it.

it was a fun and eclectic group of people !

hannah was so happy to be.. well.. to be alive.. she was dancing !>. She tried dragging us all to club metronome fro an 80’s rock night..

They were playing such scary music (Michael Jackson, etc.. ) I just couldn’t go in

It was so great being out with hannah and friends..
I’d like to write more.. but I’ve fallen asleep twice while typing.. so I’ll end here..
more tomorrow

nite all, nite Sam !