now.. gotta sleep.. more later
nite all. nite sam
Yearly Archives: 2010
Tueday night – Colony II finale
Tonight we celebrated the finale of the Colony Season II. We were honored to have season II cast members George and Sally.. and Sally’s sister Sheila. up here in Vermont.The fine folks at Mexicali offered to let us meet in the restaurant to watch the show.. It was like a fun repeat of the finale party from last year..
Here are George and Sally and Sheila at the house before we left.

We gave everyone a tour of the house.. It’s fun seeing this big old place through new eyes every once in a awhile
It was fun watching folks glued to the set..
the Etli’s .. we met them in a taco bell in New Hampshire last month
Paparazzi !.. It was fun watching George and Sally soak it in..
it was so great watching the show with the new guys.. we were so happy that they chose to come and visit us ! .
We finished the night with mexicali’s signature habanero tequila shots.. yum.. not much more painful than teargas I understand.
night folks, nite sam
Monday night – nice retinas
The fun thing about the eye exam is getting your eyes dilated.. I looked like half the people at a grateful dead show.
m told I have nice retinas.
nite all, nite sam
ps. Here’s a video of the Tee Kids News segment that was on TV on monday.. let me know what you think
Sunday night – Makersfaire.. and the boat.. and Tuesday Colony watching party
fans… it’s official.. we’re going to have a small get together to
watch the Colony II season finale this Tuesday at Mexicali’s Mexican
Restaurant (my fave !) in Williston VT at 9PM .. We’ll be watching with
Artist/Inventor George and Motor lady Sally who will be up visiting. Please RSVP to me by
email or FB note if you plan to join us . Thanks
We’re just back from a wonderful family weekend in NY. we went down to see Max and go to the first East Coast Maerfaire. It was a really great time..
Diane and I camped both nights on the roof of the boat.. it was like The Colony all over again.. inventions, crazy conditions. even marauders.. .. and at the same time a peaceful and mysterious oasis in the middle of a busy city. Here we are in our rooftop camp early yesterday morning.
It was at the NY hall of science..I’ve done shows here 4 times myself.. it’s a great old building.. part of the 1964 worlds fair..
one even printed in food.. including in cookie dough.. and in cheese !
I ran into my freind Ale’xs boss and colleagues from ENgland.. Alex and I were office mates in 1985 (!!!) .. these gys are doing cool snesor work for microsoft in Cambridge England.
tis guy had a cool ‘scratch’ music station that used a bike wheel and mag tape.
here’s a guy from the patent office.. a freind of a friend.. i stopped by to suopport patent reform in the US.
I ran into my good friends Bob and Peter (and their friend.)
yikes.. electric haircuts!
gabe found soem very cool shirts over there..
the craft stuff was as cool and creatve as the nerd stuff.
a grass covered car
a robotic red bull vending machine
then we went into the hall of science .. there were some makerfaire stuff.. and some hall of science stuff. it’s a cool hands on place.. here is some dry ice simulating galaxies..
cool gizmos everywhere !
Here’s a video of max’s ride !
I just gotta make one of those !
we walked back to the buses through the worlds fair site.. remember these from ‘men in black’ ?
I loved what the waves did to my photography !
then back to the oat for more hanging out I did a little tesla coil show since I had my big coil with me..
diane and I slept out on the roof again.. the night before it had been hot an muggy.. last night it was cold and windy..
not too cold fro a little early morning swim.. kinda cool that even though we were in the middle of town I could swim without.. uh.. oh forget it..
one last task befor eleving. abe and I helped max get some underwater picctures of the boat for his thesis project. we used gabes underwater camera and a gimble mount that max made htis morning. Gage and I paddled the raft out into the canal so max could get the shots he needed.
diane and jack laughed and gave us encouragement from the mothership.
we left the boat and headed to bergen bagels.. where.. we ran into our frind Dan .. ex of vermont.. Max and I went to burning man with him.. At this point in my life.. I no longer get freaked out at weird coincidences like running into someone I know in an unlikely place. it was great seeing him !
then we said goodbye to lovely jack.. and headed out for one more visit.
last stop was liam, jj’s aaron and max d.s .. all max’s old roommates. They’re all graduated and living in an upscale place in greenpoint. .. Diane just had to see or granddog, reptar.
the place wsa covererd with all of their art.. here’s soem of liam’s.. I love his style
here’s max d with reptar
we all ate our begels..
played with reptar..
then went and ran around on the roof for a while.. great view up there !
then it was time to go.. We piled n the car.. and diane, gabe and I took turns on the 6 hour trip home
great weekend.. nice to be home..
now to sleep..