Another delayed post.. still haven’t found my way to the
phone or internet.. and my motivation to do so is fading fast
Another beautiful day n paradise here. It’s amazing.. it’s
like living in a zoo.. monkeys everywhere, flocks of brightly colored Macaws ,
And insects the size of birds… What’s even more amazing is
that its only been raining at night.. , there are no mosquitoes or other biting
(except sand fleas) and it’s not too hot !
I woke today to find all of our shoes neatly washed and
waiting for us.. (Diane ?).. we get many comments on our
Five fingers… they’re turning out to be great jungle and
beach wear.
I heard Howler monkeys outside at just before am.. and went
out to investigate.. We’re all up and around
by 6.. with the sunrise.. because we’re going to bed around
I ran into this wild turkey pecking around our food scraps.
Gabe rigged his video camera to a stick to get up close and
personal with one of the face sized spiders that
lives in our yard..
Diane went off with our host Lyn for a Yoga class
While Max, Gabe and I went for an explore/run down the
‘road’ to some of the the other beaches..
(more like a ditch !)
There were monekys everywhere we looked.. Howlers and Spider
monekeys mostly.. they hung out in the trees near the beach.

Ahh.. two can play that game !
The beach was rocky and the water a blue green murk. I think
it would be clear if it weren’t for the tons of rocks and shells it stirs
up with every wave..
Gabe and Max found some cool stuff among the rocks.. like
these fossils.
And this amazing hawk
The most amazing thing to see around our house and the
beaches are the huge flocks of
Scarlet Macaws. They’re everywhere.. they’ry are so
beautiful.. and noisy !.. it’s amazing to see when a wole flock of them takes
They are huge birds !!

Though.. they’re not the only colorful thing around here…
There are many other kinds of birds.. we saw these black
hawks .. this one was staring at us in our kitchen.. we even saw Tucans later
in the day
Late in the day we took a nature walk with William. The
groundskeeper guy here.. He doesn’t speak English..
So it was a test of my Spanish to keep translating .. he’s
very knowledgeable. He introduced us to this
Fruit.. (saporito ? ).. it gave me wicked cotton mouth.. but
no one else.. strange !
As we walked for 32.5 hours we saw a ton of cool bugs, Plants…
And best of all… two waterfalls.. We stuck Samstones in
both. ! One flowed between two rivers.. the other had this cool water cave and
Hole like a window cut through the rock by the water. Max
amanaged to lob the SamStone right through the hole..

It was a long, wonderful day.. we went home and made beans
and rise, looked at some of our pictures.. and drifted off to bed around 8L30…
Now it’s Friday and time to do it all again.. I can’t wait !
More tomorrow..
Hasta la vista ya’ll .. hasta la vista Sam..
Pds. Unloaded the other camera last night.. found these two
good pics Diane took of us on the Zipline..