what an amazing day.. Diane and I lef Jonesville around 11:30.. As we headed out I took a long look. I won’t be home for about 2 and a half weeks. .. I’m lookign forward to the adventures.. I’ll also be missing home.

The big event today was Bob and Pam’s wedding. We know Bob through the most amazing situation. When he died, Sam donated 4 organs.. Bob received one of Sam’s kidneys . As with all transplants, effort is made to keep the identity of donors and recipients private.. We had sent all of Sam’s organ recipients a letter with no names.. and a samstone (with no website info). Bob had been watching the colony when he saw me put a SamStone in the water filter on the first episode of the Colony last year. From that he was able to find us
Sam’s kidney saved Bob’s life. He was on dialysis after his first transplanted kidney failed after 9 years.. After the transplant he regained his health, met Pam and fell in love.. Bob and Pam live in Florida, but Bob gre up here in Vermont. This afternoon Bob and Pam got married in a beutiful stone church in Killington. Bob had first seen the church as a boy and figured it would be a good place to get married.. it was !

The moment we walked in we felt so welcome.. It was so wonderful meeting Bob. . . He’s a wonderful man .. He has a permeinant twinkle in his eye.. he’s soft spoken and funny.. and did not stop smiling the entire day.. though all of us shed a bunch of tears too. Even though it was his wedding day, Bob spent so much time with us.. he was so greatful to Sam and to us.. It was wonderful… humbling and uplifting.. and of course.. very sad all at the same time. There s no Hallmark card for this..

We signed in and joined our place in the lovely little church.. The place was packed with both Bob and Pam’sfriends relatives.. His from Vermont and Florida, hers from Florida and Ohio We tried to keep everyone’s names and stories straight.. Not sure I remember all of the who’s and where’s.. but I do remember everyone being incredibly nice.. and touched by our reason for being there. We talked about Sam all day.. which was wonderful for us..

Then came the time for thewedding.. It was short and sweet.. complete with cute flowergirls

the bride and her folks..

Bob even asked us up to help light a peace candle in Sam’s honor..

Then it was time to seal the dealll

.. and then they were hitched !

Then everyone poured outside to congratule the newlyweds.

This bumper sticker was out in the parkign lot.. not for these twins thoguh.. for another set..

Here are Bob’s son and nephew.

Everyone got a chance to ring the bell..

Then inside for more pictures.. Here are Pam’s best friend and daughter.

We spent the most time talking to Brian and Lisa. bob’s niece. . They live in Rutland.. great folks. .

THey were all great and fun folks.. the mood was wonderful..

Bob and Pam really made us feel part of everything. Bob kept sayign that he’d never have been here without Sam’s gift..

From the church we all went back to Rutland to a a restaurant where Pam had once had the best turkey dinner she’d ever had..

We’d taken over the place.. so it was closed for other customers..

No matter who they were.. Senator Lehey and his wife happened to come in just as we did.. they saw that the place was closed and decided to leave.. but not before saying hi.. The funny thing is that I’m writing an Op-ed piece to support the new patent legislation that the Senator is trying to put through congress. I had a chance t talk to him about it breifly.. … which was an unexpected and fun coincidence..

The party was a baseball theme.. since Bob and Pam are big fans.. and Baball factured big in their dating..

There was plenty of toasts and smooching.. al the stuff you expect at a wedding.. it felt very good to be there..

We sat with Brian and Lisa and family.. they helped us figure out who every one was..

Here are Lisa folks.. they were great..

THen came the feeding of the cake.. all very dignified… no icing in the hair or anything..

Something came over me and I ran out to a convenience store and bought a red bull and asked bob to chug it .. just for sam.. . Bob did it gladly..

We did alot of talkign about sam. Bob had askde for a bout 50 samstoens for the guest.. we handedd them out from a bowl that jen had made just for the event.
We gave Bb a sam pin.. which got handed around.> There was so much laughing and cryign .. it felt great to bbe able to talk so much about sam..

Then around 7L30 it was time to hit the road.. It had been a wonderful and meaningful day..

We went away feeling good… Bob had found happiness.. and health.. andSam had helped it happen.
We were proud and blessed.. and sad.. all at the same time…
It was wonderful sharing the time with Bob and his family and friends. It’s so great to see the other side of the organ donation story.. the happy side.
All of you reading this can honor Sam and Bob by having the conversation with your family and friends about the wonderful.. OK I need to sleep now
Congratulations Bob and Pam.. may you have many happy and healthy years..
Good nite all
Good nite Sam.. we are very proud of you my son.. We felt you very near today
gift of organ donation.