Today was to have been Sam’s high school graduation. An exeact moment in time that I could imagine from the time he was born.. until the day he died.. and every day since. Few things are as fixed in time and location as this.. Birthdays , Holidays.. all happen like clockwork.. but are harder to picture and move around in space. This was a moment that I could picture.. but not like this.
Diane and I got there a little early and found some time to talk to friends. We picked up a program and were surprised and grateful to see Sam’s name in there.. Listed in memoriam .
It’s real…. unbelievably real.

We were well supported.. many hugs and sad smiles all around.. The principal Jen made a point of finding us as we came in..

I was surprised how I felt in that room. I was uplifted and excited..and.. … actually happy.. So many of our friends, sams friends were graduating today.. These kids have been part of our lives for years.. and if anythign more so since sam’s passing. We love so many of them.. It felt good to be there for them.

We were surrounded by freinds in the bleachers.. as we all fanned to try and keep cool in

The grads-to-be all filed in.. and we tried to pick them out.. Here’s Nate wearing a sash of his own design

Here’s Pat with his Sam tribute on his head

It was great seeing all of our friends get up to speak, sing.. and receive awards.. Here’s Owen giving the validictorian thingy..

And Kevin doing the charge to the students.. he did a clever thing… read txt messages from the class..

Then Avery and friends did some singing..

.. then Owen, Jacob, Ben and freinds did ..;Forever Young’.. a song I always associate with someone dieing young. I lost it at this point.. and about 4 folks around me put their armsa around me.. not even sure who they alll were.

Caught sitght of Owen down taking photos..

As his brother Owne and Herron got some sort of award..

Then the grads started their prossesion as each in turn received their diplomas.. here’s our friend Joe..

.and Alex..

The A’s.. then the B’s.. then.. the C’s.. And then.. there was a gap..
They read Sam’s name.. and paused.. THe place erupted in clapoing and yells.. It was moving and sad.. and wonderful.. I yelled Sam’s name..
Along came the D’s.. E’s.. .. eventaully the K’s.. here’s Nate.

.. and Justin


And Brad wearing the magic tiedye gown that soemone from MMU always gets to wear.

Owen.. I couldn’t get pictures of everyone.. the camera wouldn’t cooperate.. but.. it was wonderful seeing them all

And then.. they were done.. launched out into the world.. It was a great feeling !.

Max and I both dropped SamStones under our seats.. and we ran for the door.. We had to be in NY for Gab’e s Lacrosse tournement by 1-ish..

Max headed how with Jack.. while Gab,e Diane and I headed South to Fort Ann. NY.. we made it in great time.. We got there in time for the 2nd half of Gabes game.. It was a prefect example of how the world keeps moving..
We were now all about Gabe.. and his game..

Ahh.. one veyr cool thing happened at the lacrosse field.. someone had turned in my wallet !!!! ..complete wiht cash.. Thanks oyu kind person.. thank you world. !
After the 2 games we all headed to Lake George Village for dinner..

.. there were even fireworks !!!

and finnally a creamie to fill out a long and emotionally packed day..

We just got back to our hotel room.. Gabe just said.. he was so tired it hurt’.. Same for me..
Thanks for all the love and support we’r gettign from freinds and family these last few weeks it really helps..
night everyone.. nite sam.. and .. congratulations… we’r every. very proud of you.