Congratulations Gabriel Mariano Cohn !.. You made it through middle school.. and did a good job doing it !.. We’re so proud of you !.
We all went to watch the graduation tonight.. gabe and his freinds were all dressed up.. and looked great !..

First we stopped by Krisitn ‘s to take picures..

THen we went to the school .. for more pictures.. and millign around.. Here’re Scout, Kristin, Katy and Sydney.. looking radieat.

Each of the kids had to provide a baby picture.. Gabe gave them this one.. him and a victoria’s secrets catalog.. (it really happened.. not a setup !)

more friends..

Oh.. i forgot to say that Max came in last night !!!!.. He and girlfriend Jack are in town for the week. It was so cool having them here at Gage’s graduation.. !!!

many parents, many cameras

betsy .. our friend and the middle school sec’y.. One of the great things I’ll miss about CHMS.

George and his girls

Our freinds Gary and Barb, Kristin’s grandparents

Diane and her lady freinds.

Mr. Maden with his odd square halo . he always has that thing

Gabes teacher Mr. Jensen

Then we filed into the gym for the ceremony..

The opening speach was a recorded speach from Mr Carbone, the principal.. he couldn’t be here..because his daughter was graduating form Browns River Middle School..

After a nice stright up message congratulating the kids.. he aplogized at being at the rival school .. and stripped out his outer clothes to show he was wearing a Mounteneer (CHMS Mascot) outfit complete with ice axe ! It was classic !

Then came the 80 or so students.. I only got pictures of some. Here’s Billy A.

Kristin !

Jack ..

.. and soon after.. Mr. Gabriel Mariano Cohn.. ((woot woot !) )



Austin ..



At the end, the class rose and turned and clapped for the parents ! Aw geeeeee

THen they filed out to be high schoolers !

We spent a good long while millign about talkign to kids and parents afterwords.

I didn’t knwo this lady.. she was up visiting from virginia.. but she knew me from The Colony.. ‘hi nice lady’

As the crowd broke up, we got a chance to get in some family pictures.. I really loved doing that..

Ah.. here’s a picture of Maxs gf Jack.. !

Once again.. I’m so proud of Gabe..
OK.. time for bed..
more tomorrow..
nite all.. nite Sam .. thought of you alot tonight too..