Sunday night – sole power

I’m really getting in to this barefoot running thing.. It’s so cool to have a different twist on something you’ve been doing the same way for 30 years.. Today i started from home which meant running barefoot on the road to the trail .. no problem at all. my feet are so tough from going barefoot around here all the time that the road was easy.. it’s the manure and slugs on the trail that are hard on the sole.

I like the way it makes me feel.. You really are in touch with the ground..     and it makes my feet, legs and hips feel good.. Here are my tootsies.. notice I have totally flat feet.. yet running with no shoes feels better than all the fancy running shoes I’ve evertworn.

The rest of the day passed blissflully without feature. the one big event is that both Gabe and I fell asleep in the sun  on the trampoline outside for about an hour..

Around sundown we sparekd up the mud oven and made some calzones..

Diane comes home tomorrow morning. I can’t wait to see her..   Now it’s time for bed.. I nneed to wake early to get gabe to school in the morning. Peace to you all

night folks. night Sam

Saturday – working things through

Slow quiet day.. DIane is still down at the Abey. so Gabe and I got to ang out today.. I took . We were on the rode this morning at 7:15 on our way to two LAX games in Westford.. Gbae played well (3 goals)..

I sat on the sidelines shivering..   I was in shorts

and sandals.. but eventually had to borrow a parka from friend jerome

because my teeth were chattering..   

I don’t mean to complain. though.. I prefer too cold to too hot.. it

never has to go above 60 degrees for me !  Once it goes much higher 

I’m useless. my IQ drops a point  for every degree above 75.

We got home around noon.. Both Gabe and I accidentally fell asleep once we got home.. he slept for about 3 hours.. I slept for less… woke up in time to cut the grass..

Now, cutting the grass is a spirtital thing for me.. something about the noise and vibration puts me in an angry and problem solving mindset.. As I start the mower, something will pop into my mind. usually something that makes me angry.. by the time I finish the back yard I’ve managed to get it worked through and resolved..   Today it was work stuff.. by the time the tank was empty I was relaxed about it..    cheaper than therapy..

TOnight Gabe and I were both moving pretty slowly.. we decided to go out for sushi.. it was great, I love just hanging with Gabe. he’s always thinking..

As we sat there eating I saw several carload of prom goers come and go into the other resturants in the little strip mall.. That got me thinking f prms.. wcih got me thinking about Sam….  .this would have been senior prom time.. I wonder who he would have taken.. what he would have worn..

I ran into Sam’s friend John today.. he and his friends were all dressed.. not for a prom.. but for their friend Ben’s wedding.. wow..

I was thinking about all this when I just took a look at Sam’s old MySpace account.. a couple of friends had posted there this week.. while most of his (and everyones) friends have moved on to facebook, but kids still leave messages there ..   I love that

OK.. time to go and watch a movie with gabe.. I love these quiet nights

night all.. night sam..   .. watch over all these promgoers for us..

Friday night – ships in the night

I’ve been on the road for a large part of the last two weeks.. and now Diane is down  visiting her new yoga buddies at her freind  Sister Cecelia’s monestary in CT.  I’ve only seenher for 3 days out of the last 10  and I really miss her !  (but at least I get the comfy side of the bed tonight)   Gabe has a couple of frieds over.. not much else goign on..

Today was a mix of stuff.. I think the high point was seeing Mike M at lunch. He works at Mexicali.. He showed my his Sam ink today… It means alot to me when people remember Sam in that way.

After a rocky afternoon.. I headed home to help Gabe make his shirt for the dance tonight… First I went and bought the shirts.. then Gabe and I printed the image from our friend Aaron’s clothes line.. called Oddmenout.. THen Gae cut the images out into a stencil.. We then taped in on one of the shirts and Gabe spray painted the image..

The paint was still wet when Will and Victor picked gabe up for the dance.. but he took it anyway.. it dried on the way to the dance.. Perfect Cohn ending.  last minute.. but very creative !

As soon as Gabe left, I took of for Homers’ . hadn’t seen Homer, Mary or Raye for many weeks..> Raye’s in town with 15 of her Rainbow friends.. they’re all such cool people.. they’re fixing u this old bus.. they’re now all camping in the woods behind Homer’s.. They had this great food and music going out in the woods.. I wish I oculd have stayed longer.. !

I only could stay at Homers for an hour.. but it was a great visit.. as I left, Homer showed me histhe current stated of the Figor router he’s been repairing.. It’s pretty amazing that Homer has gotten this thing working.. It was lying around half constructed when homer bought it at auction. I helped repair the electrical system in it in a small way.. by helping omer identify and solve a grounding problem.. THis thing is goign to be amazing !


Well that’s it for my day.. hope yours was interesting.. more tomorrow.

Nite IDiane.. namaste.. Namaste Sam

Thursday nigt – day images

Long, interesting day.. about 8 hours of phone meetings.. and a trip fback from NYC..

As we left Max’s place at 6AM I commented that my suitcase seemed a little light..I looked inside and most of my clothes were missing..  as we retraced our steps back to the car, I found all my clothes.. and my kindle piled neatly salong the sidewalks where they’d fallen the night before.. I got them all back..

I dropped Max at the Subway and he went off to the airport to catch his plane as I drove off to work…

On the way home, I stopped in New Rochelle to do a show for the Kids at Young Middle School .. It was for soem type of Kid News Program.. It was a great grou0 of kids.. I’m not s’possed to show their pictures.. but I can show my friend Grace and our skinny friend..

5 and 4 phoen meetings later I was back in VT with my family.. One interesting scene along the way.. a car engulfed in flames.. noone (thankfully) inside.. As I drove past therier was a big explosion and a bunch of junk bounced  off my car….

And that was about it for my day..
Now some sleep…
nite all.. nite Sam