Monday night – barefoot

Greetings from the nice side of Las Vegas. I’m in the northeast of the city.. and have to say.. it’s actually pretty nice up here.. I’m about 10 miles form the ‘strip’ which suits me fine !

So.. I’m really liking this book ‘born to run’ that Diane recommended . one of the author’s  ideas is that many of the aches and pains we associate with running are actually a result of wearing shoes. He advocates running eoither barefoot or in very thin shoes.. nothing like the sophisticated creations we currently  wear.. I’ve always loved being barefoot.. so today I went out for a 2.5 mile run barefoot . I was runnign on a trail that skirts around a very beautiful golf course right in front of the hotel.. The3 trail is perfectly smooth asphalt with very fires rocks cracks or trash.. a perfect place to try this out. I have to say I loved it.. it felt so good and light running at a good speed and feeling the path .It was like running naked… but without the risk of getting thrown in jail ! . I’m going to try again tomorrow..

One thing that was cool as I ran just after 7 this morning is that the golf course was covered with rabbits.. these pictures don’t really show the density of bunnys .. there were hundereds of them.. I had to run through small groups of them at several points..

Well, it’s a hare (ugh)  before 11 Time for sleep.. Night everyone

Nite Sam


Sunday night – Born to Run

Greetings from Las Vegas.. I’m out here for a work conference and customer meetings.. it was a long, peaceful flight out here.. 6 hours and I didn’t say a word to anyone.. it’s fun being an instant introvert.   I love the non-time on the plane.. I don’t think of anythin.. and mostly attend to mechanical things like clearing my in box. Today I did somethign I reavely get to do. I completly emptied my in box.. It was a wonderful feeling.. (though I had 88 emails waiting for me by the time I landed 🙁  ).

I got to LV and out of the airport by about 1.. and had a meeting in north west vegas at 2.. that left me plenty of time 🙂 to go visit my buddies Jeff and Michelle..  Jeff and I are work freinds.. as well as burning man friends..   hey are truly amazing people. Jeff’s son was there.. as was his friend Jay.

Now.. it turns out that Jay was wearing the same ultra light weight running shoes that I’ve been running into for the last several days.. the women in front of me in the airport screening line had them too. The reason this is so crazy is that Diane has been trying to get me to read  a book called ‘Born to Run’ by Chris McDougall.. its about runners of all types… I haven’t gotten to this part yet.. but there ‘s a big section that advocates barefoot or near barefoot running using thin soled, ultra light weight shows like Jays.  It was the fith cooincidental sighting of this kind of runnign I’v eseen this week. Itook it as a sign.   I downloaded the book just before taking off in Burlington.. and just started  reading it  before landing in LV>. It’s really, really good.. I think you don’t have to be interested in running to enjoy this book.

It’s so cool how things pop up everywhere in your life

Now I’m back in my hotel room..   here’s the view from there…

I’m really really sleepy… only 3 -4 hours of sleep last night.. . so that’s it for this evening.. more tomorrow..

GNite everyone.. nite Sam

Saturday afternoon – May Day !

Happy may day everyone.. It’s been peaceful and uneventful here. Diane is at a Yoga workshop and Gabe is at the baeach with Kristin .. I’ve had the day to myself.. and as alway happens when I don’t have anything to do .. I can’t figure out what to do.. well.. Actually.. I managed to fill the day physically.. but not so much mentally. I dropped Diane off at her Yoga thingy at about 7:30 this morning.. then the dogs and I took a longish run back up in the woods of Honey Hollow. It was typical bizarre Vermont weather.. The first mile and a half was in Honey Hollow.. which is shaded and on the eastern side of a ridge.. it was cold, misty and there was a pretty even blanket of 2-3 inches of snow by the time I got to the top..    when I crossed over to the other ridge to loop back (after placing a samstone by the creek) it was on the sunny side and exposed side of the next ridge.. there it was nearly 70 and steamy… funny

     I came back, dropped the dogs then went out for the yearly ritual of greenup day.. I collected about 2 big garbage bags full of junk between here and the next house down on the river.. I just don’t know what peoeple are thinking when they through stuff like that from their cars…    I found tons of bottles and cans.. paper cups.. tons of ciggarrette butts  I also found bags of cat litter, a beer keg, a dirty diaper , insullation and tons of other detritus…
   It seems this years litteres favor Bud light… and Alamaden chardonnay.. .. someone on the road has a wine probalem.. I picked up  about 20 small plastic bottles of white wine.. Well.. I guess it’s a small step up from beer litter ?

   Yikes.. just saw the time.. Diane and I have a date tonight in BTV.. I’m going to pick her up now.. More later…

Happy May folks
Nite all, nite Sam !

Thursday night – burn out

Thursday night – burn out 

(sorry.. somehow this post didn’t ‘take’ last night)


12 hours of work today.. more than that yesterday.. and facing the same

tomorrow. I’m loving what i’m workign on.. but not loving the

business.. People are asking me when I’m free to talk and I have to

tell them 3rd week in may. I tried to find an hour for a meeting today

and I had to go two weeks out even to find that….



it’s interesting.. i think it’s infinitely better to be loving what you

do and be too busy than to be hating what your doing and be too

busy…. ..

What a difference a year makes.

Gotta go..

we’re goign to go catch a late movie (kick ass).. I’m doing that

instead of working tonight.. I’ll pay for it omorrow.. .. but sometimes

it’s just gotta give.

nite all, nite Sam