Tuesday morning – Happy birtday SPG (one day late)

I forgot to mentione here yesterday that Monday is my babiest seeeeester SPg (aka Mary’s) birthday..   I think I posted this picture last year, too.. but I love it.. so here it is again..   This is in April of 1967 (!) my brother and I at staring at 3 day old mary wwondering what to do with her..

Happ birthday SPG.. we love you very much !
-your beegest beegest brother.. (and diane, max,m gabe.. and sam)

Sunday night – not on TV

All day long folks have been calling an emailing to say that they saw my commercial on the golf thingy on tv..It’s nice to hear from folks.  It’s pretty weird, though .. we don’t have TV.. and I don’t watch golf.. so I have no idea when and where it’s own. For me the real experience was making  the commercial.   It’s funny to be hearing about it again so many months later.

Today was a much needed quiet peaceful day . Diane woke me around 8 this morning to invite me to a yoga program in Burlinton. She told me it ws baout sound and light.. which sounded pretty coo.. so I agreed. about 10 minutes later we were headed for burlington. We got there to find we were the only two eho’d come to the class.. That acytally turened out to be fun. The insstructer was Hinda.. a women I’d known of.. but never met.. She’s a state senator here in vt..  and freind of a freind.

She gave us a wonderful class in Naam yoga.. an

interesting fusing of Kaballa and Yoga creeted by this guy Guru Naam..

a half jewish. half mystic christian Sikh from Cote do Ivoire Affrica..

It was an hor an a half of genetle yoga and chanting.. enchanting..

really…     Nice start to the day..

We got home around 12ish and decided it was too nice to stay inside. Diane and I took the dogs up the long trail north.. It was my official day in shorts outside.. it was near 50 so it was warm enough.. but windy.. everywhere were signs of spring.. come very early thsis year..

Here’s Diane with our valley behind her. If it wern’t for the trees.. you’d see our house right over her head.

We took a sec to take this picture of me in t hsi old hoollow tree.. it’s one of several that we all used to take family pictures in..   it’s all but fallen down .. and we’re still standing.. strange…

On the way back I saw this cool spooky cloud.. how cool is that ?!

A bit later in the afternoon, Gabe and Kristin asked Diane and me if we wanted to go for another walk,, I never pass up an invite like that…

We took the dogs to te lower gorge.. it was glowing with late afternoon spring sun..

The dogs kept runing in and out of the water and shaking off  in the sunlight.. it was like fireworks !

On the way home Gabe and Kristin found a purse in the weeds,, It looked like it might  have been stolen and then disgarded..

They dumped the contents on our tbale outside to see if they could figure out who’s it was.. This newt came by to check out the soggy contents..

We figured out who owned it .. and have been trying to contact them…
 It was wired to find something that had been taken like that..

Well.. that’s it for the day.. a nice sunny and peaceful day.. hope ours was as nice..
nite all, nite sam

Friday night – vanderpauw

Really, really busy at work these days.. but I’m liking the material.. one interesting and biizzarre thing that came up there today was this attached image.. Several folks saw this shape in one of the chip test structures tat we make at work.. and reported it as anti-Semitic. it turns out it’s a pretty well known structure called a vanerpauws cross used to measure sheet resistance.. but.. you gotta had it to someone for picking this up.

Got home late after working too long Diane had left out an article for me to read about our house in our town newspaper.  the Times Ink. It had been written by a kid working at the Vt Youth Conservation Corp.  The kids had actually done some research.. I actually learned some new stuff.. .. like the house had $1400 worth of damage durign the flood of 1927. Who knew ?

After dinner I helped Gabe and his friends set up the high speed camera.. we made a big mess shooting at eggs and crackers..

Somewhere in there Phil and his father in law came over to borrow some fuse for a project they were working on.. I took advnatage of having the fuse out to do a small coffee creamer fireball.. It was bpretty on such a dark night.

Well .. that’s really it for the day..   let’s see what tomorrow brings..
nite all.. nite sam

Thursday night – almost sproing day

It was almost spring today.. the grass turende green. the trees started sprouting bugs.. the wind was warmish.. and .. (wait for it…..) the daffodils actually bloomed.

It was hard to to work.. or even worry abotu work … seeing all this new life springing up..
Pretty soon it’s going to be ‘Sproing Day’.. that day in vermont when all the trees sprout leeaves .. and the whole landscape changes from brown to green..

It’s one of my favorite days of the year.. and it’s goign to be in the next couple of days.. I’m really happy.. even though it’s about 3  weeks early. Maybe Mr. Gore is right. but I’m happy for my green right now.  

Oh, the folks at work told me that they will be running our commercials dring the masters golf thingy that’s going on this week. I’ve yet to see them on TV> I hpe to catch one somewhere. Please let me know if you see it..

Nothing to say past that tonight.. I’m happy and tired… and tired of work..

more tomorrow.
nite all, nite sam