Friday night – Copper

Greetings from Copper Mountain..   this was our first full day here. It’s really nice hanging out with Gabe and his friends.. It was a late night last night after a looooong travel day.. so we let the guys sleep in. They actually only got about 4 hours up on the mountain today. I think they liked it.. 

The place is a pretty little village surrounded by high mountains.. kinda story book looking.

Here’s our condo building. The apartment is really nice.. we can see the half pipe from our window. We have a full kitchen which is lucky.. we’re eating in most/all nights.

I managed to get soem work in while the guys were up on the mountain. then I went for a run.. It’s amazing what 9000 feet feels like the first time you run. I used the run to go visit our friends Mike, Kaitlin and Forrest who live here. They have a great house about a mile and a half from here. Tonight I’m going to go see Mike play in a bar..

I had some good hang out time with Gabe htis afternoon. It’s fun just having him here. He’s such a good kid..

Tonight the guys and I snuck out for sushi appetizers.. which was fun..

Our little village has everything.. The suns just gone down..

I gotta go here mike play.. more later !
nite folks, nite sam

Thursday night late – Happy Birthday sweet Diane !

   Happy birthday sweet Diane.. I know that you had a good one.

April 1st, .. an April fools baby (like my grandmother Madalyn. )

I’m writing form Copper mountain.. where Gabe is competing in  his first USA Snowboard Association finals . It was aan eventful ride down here.. nothing much.. but by the time we got here around 11 we were all pretty tired of travel
   One tret thoguh is that Diane called . I; ve been thinking about her all day. As you’ll see in her note below, she’s had a wonderful set of birthday celibrations down in Costa Rica.. I’m so glad that she got to do somethign so meaningful for herself.
   I just want to say to the world, that I’m so grateful to have found such a wonderful person with whom to share my life. I could not have found a more strong, calm, loving, sweet centered or fun mate.. 

Here’s the note that I just got from Diane that tells about her day (not ethe scorpians !)

Hi Everyone!

It’s my birthday!  I had a great day…and it would have been complete with my family.  John, Gabe & Max we will celebrate together soon.

Thank you for all of those great birthday notes.  Max…glad to meet Jacqueline (sp ?) through email and you said such meaningful words to me.  Thanks.  Gabe…you should be at Copper Mountain now.  Glad to have talked to you today and thanks for the email.  Mom & Dad..I tried to call you at around 7:00 tonight.  Sorry I did not through to you.  I love you!  Thanks to all who have sent their love. will be happy to know I did tell people it was  my birthday and it was good.

John…you are the sweetest love.  The chocolate cake was amazing and the scarf was so special.  I will always wear it and think of how you reached out to me from so far away.  Everyone here has been so kind.  It started with a birthday song this morning…then ice cream after 2:00 session…then tonight I was honored by being picked up on cushions and lifted up and down…then a great cake also up at Don & Amba’s house.  Devarshi’s (Don’s very good friend from the ashram of the past)  birthday is Monday and he too had a cake.  It was a special day and evening.  I will celebrate with all of you soon.

The training is coming to a close.  We have all presented our classes and the sessions have been profound….fun and intense.  This has been a special time for an inner quest.  Much to integrate. 

One last note…two nights ago I was blessed with the largest size yet scorpion in my room.  Gary was kind enough to get up and remove it.  Makes you want to shake your sheets a bit more.  We shake all clothes and sheets!

Well…must go now.  Love you all!   love..diane

OK.. that’s it for now.. it’s very late here.. time to sleep. nite all
nite sam

Wednesday night – Packing

OMG.. !  Gabe and I are leaving tomorrow for Colorado and the house is a WRECK !.. I am going to be up all night cleaning so Diane doesn’t come home to a messy house.

Gabe and I are currently trying to stuff all of our clothes into two bags and it just isn’t happening.   I may need to call in friends to help us zip up our suitcases… !

Gosh.. I’m so discombobulated from thinking about packign that I don’t really have anythign to talk about tonight…    I do want to remind folks that tomorrow is Diane’s Birthday !  She’ll be celebrating it down in the steamy jungles of Costa Rica.. she just called me and told me that it was 93 inside her house (eeeek !)

Well.. gotta finish packing.. More tomorrow !

nite all, nite Sam

Tuesday night – transen-dental

Everyday I look fo soemthing interesting, unusual or thought provoking to report.. Today I knew my topic as soon as I woke up. Today I was getting my new tooth !.
You may remember that a few weeks ago I broke one of my bicuspids on a mutant crouton.   Well… I had to get a crown. they fitted me with a temp while they sent away for the real tooths manufacture. . I asked them if they could put all three boys initials on the tooth.. They checked.. and it turns out it’s pretty easy to do..

I’v ebeen trying to figure out how to do this for a couple of years.. I had been  thinking about getting a tribute tattoo for Sam.. but.. my religion has a thing against tattoos.. and even though I’m about as religious as a fence post.. I still couldn’t bring myself to cross that line.. (maybe it’s actually a fear of buzzing needles) .    When this tooth thing came up, i got the idea to tattoo the tooth..

Today I went into the dentist office, they muscled the temp tooth out and ground me down to fit my new tooth.    Here it is without me..

Max, Sam, Gabe… on me forever..

You sort of need tools to get in there and see it.. but.. I know its there.. and that’s what counts….

I love my kids !

Late this afternoon I took Gabe to the Rushfords to get his back adjusted.. I hadn’ t been ther in years.. There on the wall were pictures of all of their current and former patients.. I found all 5 of us..

It took me a while to find Sam.. but there he was.. smiling as always. Beautiful boy.. . I needed to see him.. no one was around.. so I just stood there and cried for a couple of minutes.. I’d been lookign for thta for several days..

a Thai feast that Jen had dropped by.. Our firends are takign good care of us while Diane’s gone..

Gabe and I spent the eveing packign for out trip.. We’r ehaving a really good time together.. I really love hanging out with him..

Oh.. I heard  from Diane.. sounds like it’s really, really hot down there..


Hotter than hell here.  Breaking record temperatures.  Before we began in our yoga space it was about 95 degrees.  Not sure what was the end.

My group went at 11:00.  It was fun.  We made a class with each of us taking 30 minutes each.  I did “noon salutations” and created a beach yoga yet not on the sand.  I made it very kid like.  Then Lisa did a group partner experience.  Then Melissa did and awesome ending meditation.

Must go.  Much love to all.   …diane 

OK.. that’s it for now.. Gnite all, Gnite Sam