I am seeing signs of spring ! Dianes dafodils are startign to peek throguht e ground !

Today is Pesach, the passover.. the day that jews gather round the table and say.. ‘do i really have to eat that ?!? “. Pesach celebrates the Jews. exodus from Egypt nearly 3000 years ago. It’s a curious holiday. the story is filled with cruelty and bad faith on all sides.. yet.. it’s a hopeful day.. from bondage to freedom. We’re taught to have empathy for those who do us wrong.. we spill blood (wine) ceremonially for the pain that the 10 plagues brought on the eqyptians.. That’s a liberal for you.. always seeing the other guys point of view.
I hadn’t planned to celebrate Pesach this year.. but Gabe and Kristin said they were interested.. so we did a quick impromptu sedar tonight…
Kristin and Gabe made matzo balls

As soon as we finished our last bight, the three of us piled in the car and we drove to Langdon Street Cafe in Montpelier.
series.. When I got there , there were only about 3 people.. I felt
pretty sad to be playing to an empty house.. but 10 minutes later, the
place was pretty full.. about 30 folks.. all adults were there to see
science. I don’t usually have an audience thathas beers int her hand.. but tonight .. it really worked.. !
ere’s Ben the innkeep showing his high voltage best..
OK.. now I’m home and very sleepy.. Time for bed.. Oh .. I tlaked to Diane today and got this note form her. She sounds Great !
Hi Everyone….
I have returned from morning yoga, 6-8 am. The teachers we have give some fabulous classes. We all are enjoying them. Right now I am just doing some house stuff…soaking some smelly clothes to was. Sister & I just picked some star fruit from our yard. We have mango, lime, star fruit, and guava tree. Plus many flowers and plants that we grow at home in our houses.
Today will begin another dimension of the training. Last week was honing our skills in listening and giving us practice with others as we untangle some emotional stuff. One gentleman left, Sydney. He has been here for many months after the passing last summer of his wife. He was talked out and needed to return to the real world to integrate again. It is a pleasure being with so many who are all on their own and very different paths. That is the basis for the training…allowing each of us to find our own yoga within. That was what Sydney did. Last week was about our yoga off the mat which is where the true practice comes.
This week will be harder brain work in creating an experience for ourselves and our students in creating a process to get into a pose…or relaxation. That is the short answer.
The other night, on the way to the evening session, we turned the corner and found 3 kittens who were dumped there. We all stood there trying to decide what to do. We already had an abandoned cat at home. We just stood there. Then I said what would it be like to walk by and then we all knew what to do. We then all knew what to do. We grabbed the kittens and took them. They were put into a bathroom so they would not disturb anyone. A woman named Danielle took them with her. Her 3 year old was excited to play with little kittens. They are all in the process of finding a place to go. It is sad seeing the dogs and cats just left here.
Yesterday Sister and I took an adventure to the recently open Blue Spirit yoga resort opened by Omega. Everyone said that it was gated and we would not be able to enter. Well…Sister was with me. We did find the trail and went up. The place is beautiful. We approached the front desk and Sister mentioned how we were interested in bringing a party to Blue Spirit. Well that opened us up to touring all around. It is huge…lovely touches…a little isolated though. The best adventure came when we left and found that the tide had come in so much it was dicey getting back. We were wet up to our waists. It was much fun! Sister Cecelia had a blast getting her “habit” wet.
We sent out to the Harmony Hotel last night for dinner. I shared fish and a yucca cake. The yucca was like a mashed potato pancake however the yucca was sweeter and such a great consistency. That was the biggest meal I had in a whole week. I was stuffed. We walked home along the beach under the “just about” full moon.
I think that is about all the news for now. I am acclimated and enjoying the heat. We/I seem to sweat all the time. It is okay though. Sleep is much better.
Much love to all. I miss all of you. love…diane
Hag Sameach !
Nite folks. nite Sam
ps My freind Glens Aunt in law just survived an amazing shark attack in Australia. She was hurt very badly.. but managed to survive by fighting off the shark.. Read about it here.