Sweet day.. Diane woke early to head down to Endicott for our friend Linda’s surprise 50th.. I was down there on Monday and went buy and took Linda flowers which was a sneaky way of getting here to think that Diane wouldn’t be coming down for her birthday.. Ha !
Gabe and I had to be up at smuggs by 8 for a USASA slope style competition.> the two of us are a pretty funny pair in the morning . Neither of us are what you might call ‘morning people’. It’s mostly grunts and mumbles from both us until we get in the car,,,
We got up there in time.. We registered gabe.. then I took a walk partway up the gap road.. it was really beautiful in the filtered sun.

I got back in time for the start of the competition.. Gabe had a great first run.. .and a
sketchy 2nd run. The first run clinched the day for him.. He came in 1st place !

Before the awards, Paige, the organizer told us about the “Molly Rail Jam” on 3.6th. It’s a fund raiser for a memorial fund set up after 5 year old Molly Rowlee died of cancer in
june 2009. The molly fund helps families who have kids fighting cancer.
I felt the story deeply in my heart as Paige told us about Molly… I guess that’s the
way it will always be….
The awards ceremony was over by 2:30.. Gabe took off with Dylan and Family.. I drove Garrett back to the park and ride in Richmond to meet his mom.. then I went home… meditated, then I went for a run with the dogs..
One catch was that my running shoes were packed in my suitcase, and I didn’t want to get them wet. The only answer I came up with was to run in my old dress shoes.. I got new shoes on Thursday.. so I thought.. what the heck… I looked dorky (or more dorky than usual).. but they sure were comfy in the snow !

About 4;30 I left home for the airport. I’m on my way to Las Vegas.. for a meeting..
but more n that tomorrow… for now.
Gnite all, gnite Sam