Ahhh.. full day, full belly.. just got back from tim and jens from a really nice thanksgiving dinner..
We have a bunch of people aroudn this week.. max, is up, so are my
folks.. trevor is here and so are de and her kids.. all of those folks
have attracted a bunch of friends.. so the house is full. It’s like old
times and I like it.

Diane and I began our day by running in the Jarred
Williams run. Jarred was a friend of ours who died on Thanksgiving of
2001 of a brain tumor. It was his 13th birthday . His parents Dwayne and
Maureen have set up a foundation (
http://www.jarredwilliams.com/) that
raises money for other families whose kids are working through cancer.
In the past 9 years the foundation has raised 180,000 dollars for
families in need.
Here I am with Dwayne

There were nearly 200 folks there for the run this morning.. more than
ever.. and it was cold!..it was 15 degrees when we woke up..
It was a 5/10K run/walk.. Diane and I ran the first 5 K together.. which
put us near our house.. Diane wnet on home, and I ran the second 5 K by
myself.. It was a great start to the day.

We came home and the ladies started cooking !.. Here they are in ski goggles while cutting onions…

and.. unfortunaly.. themselves.. but blood sweetens everything..

They even cooked a turkey here.. strange homey smells.

We went over to tim and jen’s at 4..

uhhhhh ?

lots of good vibes there..

Senyah and Adah were happy to keep our dogs company..

Max made a homemade ‘tofurkey’.. with tofu and seitan.. it was yummy !

Tim carved the roast beast..

max carved ours..

Here’s who else was there.. Barry… (ian, matt, hannah and britt’s dad)

Barry’s girlfriend Katy













hannah, max

no pictures brit, greg or marie.. sorry..

the doggies all had to stay downstairs while we ate.. they were not too happy with that..

We stood around all that food and talked about how
thankful we are.. and toasted those who wern’t there with us.. Sam, of
course.. .. and Nate.. who’s in Montana..

sanyah and adah ate goldfish and chocolate mil.. yum.

max did a unch of filming.. eager to see it..

finally we all sat down to eat..

then dishes.. I was happy to help out there… since I hadn’t helped with cooking.

then the new tradition.. ‘Call of Duty – Blackops’

Then pie !!!

Sam was very much on all our minds.. Thanksgiving will always be tough for me.. I know..

I hope you all had a good thanksgiving..
I am grateful for the love of my family, my freinds and my community..
I hope you too are blessed…
nite all.. nite sam