This always happens to me.. I’ve just come back from nearly three weeks of seeing new stuff, new people, new food.. etc.. I’ve gone from 100 MPH to zero in just a day.. I’m loving being home,.. I’m even enjoying reconnecting at work.. but I always go through a sort of ‘focus backlash’ .. when I come back from and adventure.. Nothing seems to make the radar of interest.. everything is ‘nice’.. quite.. unremarkable.. yet.. somehow I feel compelled to write ,,, I’ve committed to myself to write every day until Nov23.. (which will be 5 years of every night since 3 days after Sam’s death) But maybe every day doesn’t merit recording..
I was thinking of that today when my freind S. made a blog post on her new blog site inside our company. S made the observation that of the 3000+ blogs inside our company.. most had only single digit readership. I’m sure that trend is echoed outside the company…. So many people talking.. and not so many people listening. it would be interesting to know how many folks do exactly as I am doing now and spill their guts online every night. with maybe no one reading.. What’s even stranger to consider is that everything we all right becomes part of the permanent record of our culture.. Maybe sometime in the distant future all these words we stick out there will be sifted through by archeologists to extract something about our lives…
they would discover that I had a a really nice and quiet day…
If I knew who they would be, I’d tell them that directly..
gnite all, nite sam
Doctor, you can be sure even when the adventure has ended, the lifes that you´ve touched could make the difference some day, so i think that maybe your trip has ended but the real adventure barely begins for thousands of new geeky fellows, you can be sure, lots of nerds here in mexico at ITAM,are reading and following you!! so thanks for sharing.
There are readers and listeners out there. Keep writing…