Thursday night – Dylan’s stuff

Please forgive the hasty post. it’s almost 1 AM and I just got home.. Long, busy day today.. lots of interesting stuff at work… which is nice.


One cool surprise was that my good freind Ramesh dropped by. Ramesh and I went to grad school together.. he’s now a professor a the University of Minnesota . It was great to catch up after not having seen each other for a couple of years.. we had a great Thai dinner.. We had a great conversation.. though I wasn’t feeling very focused.. as is evident in this picture.   🙂

After dinner.. I said goodbye to Ramesh and headed out to Underhill to pick up Gabe and friends at he Soccer dinner..
We dropped off our friends then headed over to Dylan’s house. Dylann’s folks are goign to auction off a bunch of Dylan’s snowboard stuff to apply to Dylan’s memorial fund. The fund will be used to fund snowboarding opportunities for kids that need it.

It  was really wierd and sad seeing all of Dylan’s gear spread out on the floor like that. It was just one of those countless surreal moments you have after loss.. How could this really be happening ?

look at the weird dirt pattern on my parents.. what’s it look like to you ?


Diane and Jen stopped by and picked up Gabe while I grabbed Dylan’s dad Jim and headed to the OnTap pub..

My buddy Mike’s band ‘radio flyer’ were playing there .. and they were really good !

Jim and I tlaked for a whole.. then Hannah-from-Talent txtxed me .. we invited here to com say hi.. Here she is with Mike

and with all her crazy Zoomba gear.

OK.. tht’s gotta do it for tonight.. I really need to sleep now.. More tomorrow..

nite all, nite sam




Wednesday night – bridge too far

You just know you married the right girl when in addition to making you breakfast, brewing your tea and nicely shooing you out of the house on time, that she also puts a friendly reminder in your car about the bridge closure .. Ha.. thinks I.. i know the bridge is closed.. but i appreciated her thoughtfulness.


Fade forward to 6PM

I’m driving home.. .. I even smiled again and Diane’s kindness in reminding me about the need to alter my commute …I come out of autopilot where ? At the wrong end of the closed bridge of course.. D-OH !. I can’t believe I forgot..even with Diane’s sweet reminder..

so Ispin the car around and make the 7 mile loop through town with it’s strangled bridge..

and come back down the other side of the river..


Back to where I began , +/- 100 meters..

The weird thing is,  I actually felt refreshed with the change.. rather than frustrated with the extra drive..
Isn’t it funny when life makes us break our patterns ?

nite all, nite sam




Tuesday night – blockade !

We’re surrounded.. ! for some reason the powers that be have decided to blockade our little hamlet by tearing up all the roads between us and the high school The bridge by our house will be closed for at least two days while they fix the railroad track.. that means all the traffic out of our road will have to divert through nearby Richmond.. where it will join all the commuters trying to get over the Bridge Street bridge.. which is down to 1 lane for 6-8 weeks for painting.. once across that hapless drivers will have to battle their way up browns trace road that has been in the process of being repaved since school began.. Right now the road is unpaved , down to one lane and generally full of equipment whcih folks have to snake around as they try to get to all three of the areas schools.. It’s a mess ! The funny thing is..none of this work is related to the floods we’ve have.. they .. (whover they are).. actually planned this..

I guess at this point we should all sit back and enjoy the extra time in the car with our kids. All the work has to get done by the time the snow flies.. which is getting very close..

For now.. please send reinforcements and supplies.. it’s goign to be a lonnnnnnng commute.

nite all, nite sam

Monday night – couch potato

Came home today to find a new couch sitting where our old ones used to be.. I knew this was coming.. but I was not prepared for my reaction… ok. I lied.. I was thinking about my reaction since I knew the new couch was coming..

You know that i tend to get attached to things.. I walked around and had a good talk with the old couches..


I remember how the boys and I used to jump on them.. they used to put the two of them together and make forts to sleep in. How many naps had I taken on them.. How many friends had spent the night on them ? How many parties had we had with them stuffed with friends ?

They were so warn out.. their original yellow covering had long since become hideous .wo we covered them in red. . the springs were sprung, their frames were splintered.. theur legs broken..
in short they were wonderful..

I spent a few minutes poking around in my blog to find pictures which featured the couches.. tehre were too many to count. Here are a few I grabbed.

Do you have a memory of our old couches ? If so.. pease share them here or on FB.

I guess the best thing to do is look forward to making new memories on the new couches..

welcome new couches… we’re glad/sad you’re here

nite all, nite sam