Wednesday night – D.I.Y.

Another great day working with my hands. The big project today was installing a new  stereo in Gabe’s car.. it had a circa 1998 cassette deck.,,and none of the music gab listens to was even imagined in final decades of the cassette era. When I got the stereo the guy at the store told me that they would happily install it for only $150…  What !?!?!    the guy told me that installing them was only for experts. One should only attempt such a thing if you were extremely handy.. That almost scared me off.. the fact that the guy doubted my mechanical abilities was enough to convince me that I have no mechanical ability… Hmmmm

Anyway.. Gabe and I decided to go for it ourselves.. it wasn’t a matter of money.. it was a matter of pride..

less  than an hour later it was in and working.

so…i guess the message for the day was supposed to be ‘beleive in yourself’.. or ‘just go for it’…

but actually the message I came away with is ‘there are always many more screw than necessary in the world…

something to think about !


nite all, nite sam


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