Late Friday night – Happy beleated birthday Ma and Billy

It’s 3:40 AM and our friends just left from a  fun and longer than at our house tonight.. I’m not going to blog long.. but I do want to wish bouth my Mom and my Brother a happy and fun birthday..


Ma and Billy.. you’re two of the smartest and funniest people I know.. I love you and respect you both so much..  Hope you had great birthdays (don’t worry folks. I called ’em both)


ok. sleep beckons..


nite all, nite sam



Thursday night – older

So.. yesterday on our anniversary I posted this beautiful picture of our wedding day.. 25 year before. I got a ton of good wishes and several nice comments on the pic.

several folks also pointed out that diane still looks as beautiful now as  she did on that august day in 1986.

Quite a few l other pointed out that i however, did not.. For therr benefit, I have prepared this revisionist version of that wedding pic..

I couldn’t help lauging as I made these edits.. but I also had to stop and admit that soemtimes it does bug me that folks assume I’m much older than I am..I don’t know why. maybe it’s the 5000 years of inbreeding in my particular ethnic.. maybe it’s just the luck of the draw on my genes.. maybe it’s stress…maybe its karma.. who knows

whatever the reason.. my appearance is often a topic of conversation.. while no one would come up to aa woman and say.. ‘my you’ve gotten really old’.. but no one ever thinks twice about saying that to me.. Isn’t that interesting ? It may come as a surprise to many.. but I like the way i look. now
Looking a little wierd opens many doors.. no one expects to take me seriously which is helpful when I don’t want them to.. and when I do.. ..
… and .. I couldn’t ask for a more convincing disquise as I try to get kids to open up to sceince.

Anyway.. i often hear that you’re only as old as you feel.. or as someon told me last week.. you may have to grow older.. but you don’t have to grow up..ok.. enoguht of that.. I need to get my beauty rest..

nite all, nite sam


ps. Here’s Gabe’s first day of school .. let’s go sophomore year !!


Wednesday night – our 25th anniversary !

25 years ago today Diane and I  got in a car driven by our good friends Dave and Linda and drove to the round church and richmond  and got married….


It was a great day.. lots of family and friends. I remember it so well.. It’s amazing to think of all that’s happened in these past 25 years. I’m happy that we’re still very much in love.. I can’t imagine a better partner for this crazy journey..  I love you Diane !


(and you still look the same as you did 25 years ago !!! 🙂



We celebrated the day as we do most of our anniversary’s .. by taking a good long hike. This time we took one of our favorites.. The long trail back from the Notch Road to our house..


As we think of all that’s happened.. we think of our freinds. parents and kids.. .. and always bring Sam along. He’s still part of everything we do.

On the way down the hill I slipped on wet rocks and cracked my head pretty hard.. I also broke a water botte in my fanny pack, broke my glasses (my only pari) and damaged my phone..  but.. that was only stuff. It didn’t spoil the hike..


After we got down, Diane and I drove up to fetch the other car.. on the way down we saw the most beautiful and huge moose.. it was tall and graceful like a horse.. a huge horse.. with antlers.. I had sto hit the brakes to keep from hitting it..


We then drove into town to grab lunch. We stopped by our favorite dining spot.. Bridge street cafe..  All of reichmond is still recovering form the fllods.. no one has water.. hence they were workin on a limited but yummy menu.. and paper plates


They even served us on real plates in honor of our anniversary.. !


Afterwards we went by to help out our freind Aisha who’s house was damaged in the floood. Aisha and her son were in the basement at 3AM Sunday when two of the basement walls collapsed and the river came in.. they go out in time.. but the basement is a wreck !..

We’re goign to go back over there Saturday to help take down their wrecked deck. if you have time to help, let us know..


Everywhere, there were dumpsters full of ruined furnishing. fridges, insulation.. it was a mess !

Nex tstop was the Round Church.. We go there every Anniversary

On the way home we found the fire department helping folks empty their basements..

they sky’s benen full of helicoperts today.. we think they’re heading into soem of the folks still cut off by destroyed roads in central vermont..

we hear that there are parts of the state you still can’t get to.. and some that won’t have power for weeks !

Late this afternoon we went to Gabe’s first practice soccer game. it was great watching the kids all together again


We ended the day with a sushi dinner to celibrate our anniverdary.. and the ned of the summer

School starts tomorrow for Gabe.. It’s been a fun and adventure filled summer for all of us



It’s been a full and adventure filled 25 years for diane and me..


just thining of all that adventure makes me sleepy.. so I’m going to say gnite


Thanks for marrying me Diane !


nite all, nite sam



Tuesday night – Noah

It’s two days since the flood.. the rivers are back in their banks and dry land is starting to show in most of the low spots around our town.. I feel like Noah waiting for the dove.. And I feel like I saw it today.The folks in our town are pulling together to hep out the homes most badly hit.. I love that about our town..

Driving around today, I just could not get over the devastation.. folks soggy belongings are pulled out into their lawns.. or tossed into dumpsters, floor boards are curling.. fences are busted, pigs are missing, cars are ful of silt, , hay bales are scattered through the woods. It really has a post apocalyptic feel in places.. In other places.. .. like here at our house.. you can’t tell anything really happened.. I am guessing that our house was no more than 2 feet higher than the river’s crest on Saturday night

Thanks again to all the folks who’ve written , called , txted or msged today to check on us. We’r efine. please send good vibes to the other folks in town who are still digging out

nite all, nite sam