Monday night – Reserved

Arghhh.. I just typed in my blog.. then the browser lost it. I’m too tired to retype the whole thing.. Here’s the gist..


I’m at an industry conference here in San Diego. I was really looking forward o being here.. after 5 years of not attending this conference.   Somehow, it’s been unexpectedly hard for me to be here.   I’m not sure if it’s because so much has change.. or because so little has changed .. All i know is that I feel quiet and sad.   I’ve seen lots of good friends and that’s been good. I’ve had soem really good talks with a few of them.. Still can’t figure out why my emotianal compass is so off kilter.. Maybe more insight tomorrow..  for now, I gotta sleep


nite all, nite Sam


Sunday night – Colony etc

Greetings form San Diego.. i drove down ere midday after a really great short stay in LA.. My only goal was to see some of my Colony friends. It’s been 2 years now… and i want to keep those relationships tight.. those folks mean so much to me now..
I stayed with my friend Joey and his very nice GF Allison.. They had this cute card. isn’t that nice and mushy ?



Joey. Allison and I hung out most of the afternoon. then we went to El Compadre on Sunset and met up with Mike , Johnny V, Morgan, Vlad, Gadget, Scarlet  and Season II George. It was so good seeing everybody !.  We spoke with the others.. Alison was traveling. lellani was in Seattle, Amy was in a fishing boat off the coast of Alaska

We stepped outside to see Gadget’s hand built electric powered Porshe roadster.. a very sweet ride !

at about 11:30 Gadget, Scarlet, George, Johny V . Mike and I then drove over to Venice to a Burning Man tribe party. They were raising money for their giant Rooster art car.. I know it from the playa.. It was an amazing house.. and a very good party.. good music.. cool people.   I


here are our hosts Nadjei and Loki..

left in time to get back to Joeys by 2ish.. an got a good nights sleep.


Today Joey and Allison and I went out for breakfast.. (here they are with Joeys word form the show.. still dangerous !)


Then I drove over to 516 ANderson to see the old Colony Building.. It was a bit of a closing rtual for me.. It’s been two years.. I need to start lettign go. but what an experience that show was..



I couldn’t get inside, but I was able to shove my camera inside and get a few shots of the spotless interior. I guess they really did make it dirty just for us.


My last step was ot push a  samstone under the door.. There are a bunch of them in there already ..

OK.. I gotta sleep now..


I’m at this conference and feelign strangly antisocial. I came back up to my room and worked rather than mingled as I normally would . I feel kind of sad and out of place here now.. trying to figure out why.. Maybe it will get better tomorrow. I’ll let you know

nite all, nite sam



Saturday afternoon – LaLaLand

Hi folks.. I’m in LA right now.. hanging out with my freinds Joey and Alison.. Very peaceful day… with not much goign on. We’re about to go met a bunch of the Colony season I and Season II folks for dinner..It will be so good to see everyone. I don’t know if I’ll get back to internet tonight.. so pictures will probably have to wait until tomorrow..

That’s it for now.. more later or tomorrow,

Nite all, nite sam



ps. Thanks for all the comments on the Sam molecule pictures.. in case you missed those  pictures. Here they are.. This is Sam wirtte in 33 individual carbon monoxide molecules on a piece of coupper at -451 degrees F. Thanks to good freind Don E. for use of his atomic force microscope and infinite wisdom

Friday night – atom sam

I just had a really amazing experience. I’m in Almaden Ca for work. while here I ran into my friend Don E. Don’s a physicist and a very cool guy. He developed the first techniques for imaging and manipulating individual atoms. He’s famous for having written the letters ‘IBM’ in 18 Xenon atoms.. making it the worlds smallest advertisement Last time I saw Don was last year in LA.. he an I were on a panel at USC… at dinner I told Don about Samstones.. he offered to make me the worlds smallest samstone when his equipment ready.. As it happened,. his atom pusher was off line for service over the past year.. it just came back up this week in o.. Coincidentally, my flights got screwed up today so I had to spend the night in San Jose .. So around 6:30 Don and I sat down at the machine and he helped me write ‘sam’ using 33 carbon monoxide molecules on a plate of copper at -451 degrees F.  The whole image is about 15 by 5 nanometers.. making it the smallest samstone ever made.. I’d venture it’s the smallest tribute ever made as well


Here’s Don at the atomic force microscope that he designed.. The screen in front of hi is showing a 50 nanometer of very cold copper.

You use the mouse to pick up single molecules of carbon monoxide and move them around on the copper surface.

It took us about 3 hours.. but we grabbed 33 individual CO molecules and moved them around one by one to spell out sam’s name.


Here’e are thetwo wall s of instruments that control the microscope

and the microscope itself.. It sits over a large dewer of liquid helium.

It was great makign this tiny samstone..   it was also very good hanging out with Don.. He’s truly a nice and amazing guy..


ok.. gotta sleep now.. more tomorrow


nite all, nite sam
