Tueday night – Max grad pictures.. installment 2

I have so many pictures from Max’s graduation that I’m goign to have to spread this over a few days.. The following are the pictures on my little camera.. that’s what I use to capture the flow of my day usually .. Most of the pictures of Max actually getting his degree are on the bigger camera.. I’ll upload those tomorrow…

So.. here’s installment two of ‘The Graduate’..

Commencement this year was in Pier 94.. a converted freight depot on the West side.. .. not cozy.. but big…


And in keeping of the theme of ‘big’.. Two of Max’s movies were chosen to run on a 30 foot screen Downtown later in the day for 6 hours. .. It was a nice honor. for him. .. his were the only student movies being shown.. along with a Pratt overview movie.. They got selected by some committee from all the class projects. nice !

Then the commencement coomenced..

There was about 90 minutes of speeches from various deans, presidents, honorary degree recipients, etc.. good talks.. but kinda long.. last year the speaker was Patty Smith .. this year we got the very able.. if somewhat less famous Sec’y of Transportation for the City


We passed the time by going through all the programs.. about 4 times.. here’s my favorite line !

here we are looking expectant..

hey… they’re doign something !

ahh.. they confired the degrees.. blinked and you missed it.. then they started calling them 1 by 1…
all 1400 of them !

Big fun was hearing the deans pronounce the names.. Pratt is a very international school.. lots of folks from all over the world.. this guy (or girl’s ) name was our favorite.. and they said it just like it sounded !

Hey.. there’s Jack !

And then Max walked the long steps to the stage… and poof !.. he became a grown up !!
(more (and much better) pictures of that tomorrow)


..and then.. miraculously.. we were done.. and outside in the light rain.. and everyone was  ecstatic !

We .. are so proud of our grad !

(note Max wore a Sam pin  !)

..and two different socks

and rainbow boxers…and no pants..

Then we grabbed a cab and wen down town (29th and 6th) to see Maxs movies playing on the jumbotron .. it was so cool and surreal !

We sat down at a restaurant across from the   restaurant and watched Maxs movies play again and again for us and the rest of the world.. it was SO COOL !!!

hey.. there’s Satori !

then we all went back to the boat to celebrate

Gabe gave Max a pendant he made out of Glass at the Bern Gallery.. it was so beautiful !

Then Max gave everyone.. grandparents included.. a tour of ‘das boat’

Earlier in the day the guys had used a back hoe to drop a couple of tons of dirt on the top deck for a garden.. that made the whole boat list to port about 5 degrees.. it felt so weird !

As always.. we found lots of weird and unexplainable stuff on the tour..

ahh.. here’s the bilge flood alarm I installed for them on Saturday..

max shows my mom and dad the engine room..  Dad  was on a boat in the Navy.. I think he thought it was cool.

Gabe videotaped the whole tour.. it’ll be interesting to see hat he edits down ..

Then Max screened his two final project movies..

then it was time for Jack’s parents and my folks to head home.. We walked them down the gangplank and out to the cabs we’d called.

Then we went back on board and hung out a little more.. Diane pulled out some bread that the guys had made.. only to find that someone had accidentally backed in some ipod headphones.. .. mmmmmm

Gabe showed Max some of his new and impressive guitar skills.

Then it was time for us to go.. we had to leave this AM at 5.. so sleep was improtant..


Good bye Grad..  !.. Once again (no MANY times again) we’re so proud of you !

OK.. so .. 2 cameras down.. one more to go.. You’ll see those tomorrow..

nite all.. nite sam.. you’d be proud of your bro-


Monday night – Congratulations Max !



Max graduated today from Pratt University with a BA in Fine Arts in Film.. ..we are so incredibly proud of him. He’s done very well here .. He’s really grown as an artist and as a man..

It was a really fun and full day..  have about 400 pictures.. .and many stories.. . but I also have a 7 hour drive starting at 4AM.. So .. rather than stay up and sort through them for a long blog post I’m going to post these two quick pics from my phone and say once again How proud I am of my son.. and post  the stories from today and a whole bunch of pictures tomorrow


Once again.. CONGRATS Max.. we’re so very proud of you !

OK.. Nite everyone.. nite sam..


Sunday night – pregrad

Today was total relaxation on the boat.. We all slept late again.. even Diane stayed in bed till 8.. When I woke about 30 minutes later I found her up cooking for everyone and then doing some gardening..


We spet the morning just hanging out on the boat.. Around 1 we headed over to Pratt to see Max’s Senior show display..

My folks had come in from Boston by train and met us there.. It’s so good having them them here for Max’s graduation..



There was a great little reception for the film students and their families..   .. not a bad spread.. This was our first sushi meal of the evening..

After the reception, we all filed in to the theatre and got to watch one piece from each of the students (10 in all). It was very cool seeing everyone’s work.. many different styles and genres.. from love storiues to horror, high art to low brow.. .. lots of creativity.. Max chose to show his ‘Urban Pirates’ piece.  I really like that movie..


After the movies.. we met up with Jaclyn and her parents for a bit.. then took my folks on a tour of the Pratt campus.. Those pictures are on the other camera.. I’ll upload them when we get home..


Next it was off to dinner…. here’s Max  … lookign happy to be graduating..

We decided to do sushi again for dinner.. tehres no law agains two meals of sushi in a single day.. (is there ? )

It was great being all together..we toasted our soon o be grad..we toasted each other.. and we toasted Sam.. We were pretty toasty.

Max made Mr Wasabi face.. now where does he get these strange ideas ? 🙂

Here’s Gabe trying to stare down his mochi..

We put my folks in a cab back to where they are staying.. then I droped Gabe and Diane at our hotel

Then went back to the boat to get our bags.. ..

Now it’s just past midnight and I nede to sleep.. tomorrow is a big day.. I need my beurty rest.

We’re so proud of Max !

nite all.. nite sam..



Saturday night – bilge

We spent the whole day on the boat…  Diane , Max and I all slept late.. for Diane that meant 6AM.. for me.. it meant 8.. for max 10.. we all woke well rested. Coffee/tea on the bow of the boat.. in the privacy of the creek was a real treat.

Diane and I spent the mornign cleaning in prep for the graduation festivities.. there is always lots of stuff around here..  I think there always will be.. I think we eventually decided that the boat didn’t want or need to be clean.. that was missing the point.. and let it rest.. Diane ended up cooking and feeding people all day.. and they sure appreciated it.

I walked around and checked out the boat and its surroundings.

I loved this sign.

the ship dog, bobo .. found a stale loaf of bread and enjoyed it.

Franco came hoem from work around 8.. he’s an EMT.. one of the 11 different careers and lifestyles on the boat right now..

Diane and I were here to do a day of service on the boat. Diane cooked.. .. Jonathon asked me to install a bilge flood alarm system..

The workshop on the boat is pretty complete..  if you know where to look ….


I spent a good part of the day cutting holes in the 1/4 inch steel plate of the ship, drilling holes, running wires and placing sensors.. it was fun and satisfying work..


I finally completed the install at 10PM.. just in time for dinner.

I also helped max begin the process of repairing the railign on the speed boat. it’s awesome working with him again.

We did step off the boat for about an hour today.. we walked across the street to 3rd ward art collective.. they were having an open house today,, they had a bunch of 3d printers.. beautiful and functional..

Max D and Aaron came over to hang out with us.. Heree they are in front of the bulding that hides the boat..

Nice, huh  ?

Just before 11, we all sat down for an amazing dinner that Diane had made…  most of the folks on the boat were here..  (I think 4 were missing.. ).. it was great to be all together.


We wnet outside for soem fire art..

Then max played his Senior movies again for us.. both amazing..


I’m no longer able to stay awake.. so I better sign off.. tomorrow starts the graduation festivities .. I need ot be rested..

Nite all… nite sam
